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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is wisdom usually only attainable when we reach the middle age?

Question: Is wisdom usually only attainable when we reach the middle age!?
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Wisdom is certainly enhanced with age but I think some are born with natural wisdom!.

We sometimes hear of people referring to babies as 'old souls'!. It's something that is subtly perceived as unusual but not quite explicable!.

Some children show worldly wisdom beyond their years or normal experience!.

Those borne with natural wisdom are the truly wise but for the rest of us there is a lifetime of experience ahead to catch up with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This ones daughter, who is now 7 and one half years of age, is very wise seeing life as it is and not in the manner in which others have thought to teach her to see that same!.

Henry David Thoreau said that each new generation should use its wisdom and should be listened to as what those who are older have done has often not worked well!.

An example might be to ask should we continue to listen to those who created so much of the current pollution for mere material gain and who will now offer to "fix" the problem for a fee!?

Should we continue to listen to those who promote war and violence or should we seek the wisdom of those youth who have said peace is the way!?

Perhaps it is wiser to realize that each one has wisdom, to listen to the same and allow such to shine for the benefit of all!.

May it be well for all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's not necessary to be middle aged to be wise!. Thing is this, STUDY----yes, the study & the length of studying period are factor to get wisdom!. What STUDY!? Few weeks before I heard of an eighteen year of young lady, completed her all academic educations, PhD etc & became Worlds Youngest Professor (probably she joined some Korean college/versity)!. Think how wise she could be or wisdom might be attainable at her 20 or 30 (if you do not count 30 as middle age)!. Fact is this, wisdom needs more & more studies, more observations, more everything!. Obviously one needs long times to be wise!. that's why the question of 'middle-age' comes! What's the age of 80/90 yrs to you!? The latter age!? Or too much old age!? Some become wise at that age too!. Reverse-way, the young lady of 18, I mentioned before might be of less wisdom than a 50+ guy! Completing ALL studies & education do not mean wisdom attained!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The prize, like wisdom, can only be attained when we've reached the summit!. Our sense perceptions begin to function after we are born and they continue to do so, trial and error, with the acquisition of more knowledge and experience!.

So, yes, in middle age and onwards is wisdom functional and at its peak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on your definition of 'wisdom'!. But I'd have to say no because middle-aged people tend to be very set in their ways; sometimes they're bitter!. Just because someone has one certain schedule for their life-has made choices and decisions (sometimes incorrectly: no one is infallible) and will only do what they think is right--they then stop discovering and learning things!.

Young adults, IMO, are much smarter than most older people!. They have more open minds, they are willing to look at things in more than just one way!.!.!.more able to understand worldviews and such!.

I think this would only apply to non-fraternity member college students though!. Ones that are past their partying stage and what not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alas if the young were all wide eyed innocents and the elders wise and worldly how perfect would the world be !.!.

A childish immature old sage am I and have always been since the years of my school days and infancy!.!.!.

Joan in her little dolls hose across the road is 84 and a tender slightly wrinkled young lady with the gait and carefree spirit of a girl!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Little kids are often wiser than adults!. Just watch them at a traffic crossing!. The kids look both ways and are afraid!. The adults are all caught up in their stories and whatever is coming out of their cell screen!. I have never seen an eight year old do her eyelashes in 70 mph traffic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sadly, not necessarily even then!.!.!.
But I do agree that wisdom comes with experience - as long as you are willing to learn from your mistakes and to reflect on episodes in your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wisdom is what you gain from experience, so the answer is usually yes, but some people learn quicker than others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wisdom comes with age!. What we experience, what we do, enhances our knowledge!. The only ones who do not know or believe this are teenagers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't count on it then either!. "The older I get, the more amazed I am at the amount of ignorance a human head can hold"!. Mark TwainWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, I'm 20, I and I consider myself to be very wise!. I also know some very wise high schoolers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com