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Position:Home>Philosophy> The most beautiful thing just happend to me?

Question: The most beautiful thing just happend to me!?
This may sound crazy too you but I was just outside a little bit ago looking up at the sky with alot of stars in the air and I was praying to god which I dont do as much as I should but I was praying to him that I am really worried about the world right now because of all of the bad things that keep happening to people here in my state!. There have been several tornados within the past two weeks and floods that have ruined peoples lives!. They have lost everything and I have been really worried because I have a feeling that the world is going to end soon cause of everything so I was praying to god saying alot of things like " I dont know what you have planned for all of us and I am worried for what is going to happen to everyone and how I want to live to see my very young children grow up and that I dont want to sound selfish but Im not ready to die yet and as soon as I said all this I see a shooting star shoot across the sky for the very first time!. It was beautiful!. Was this gods sign!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thank you, thank you , thank you, because I totally understand what you're talking about- completely!.!. So I'm not the only one that is experiencing this weird worry that life as we know it may change, in devastation, in our lifetime!. And moments like you just had (I'm not religioius either-- but I have complete faith in God and his miracles or power or whatever you want to call it) I have those moments!. And I think we can have them whenever we are quiet and listen and just be!. I get like warm chills ( I know that sounds contrary, but its like chills, but they feel warm like a bath, and it feels like you almost being hugged by something so much greater than our selve!. It feels like what a perfect parent's hug would feel like, I guess!. Isn't it so awesome!?!?!?!?!!!!

Yeah, yeah, that is God!. So cool!. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I belive that it was god's imortal sign that he was listening every word that you said to him was very importiant to him and i am pretty sure he was listening to every word you said and you know what maybey in 5 years something will solve these problems!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that was!.!.and I think you're very blessed to have been able to seen it!.

God bless you, and protect you and your family from all the tornados and natural disasters that has been happening around you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow thats crazy, i am a religious person infact my whole family is & i really do believe that, that was God's way of telling you he was there & that he was listeningg (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means what you want it to!. That's what faith is!. and i don't need to sit here and talk to shift you to one opinion or another!. think what you think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Shooting stars are ALWAYS signs!. I hope it means an end to the "bad cycle" in the Midwest and a mild hurricane season for the gulf coast!.

Thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks for terrific question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Nice story, but I could just be coincidence!.!.!.

Remember, probably a good few thousand other people saw it too!.!.!.so who's to say it was for you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

God speaks to us all differently just a sign he is listeningWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know religion is summed up with different interpretations, but myself believing in God gives me th same effect as to what happened to you!.

I believe god has many different ways to reach us and I found that when I down and I have prayed for help its amazing how you feel lifted within a few days things just happen!.
Like myself I felt down and stress and was out buying shoes and the customer service I was given was a sign that good people still exist and this young gentleman treated me like a princess and went out of his way!.

So the spiritual feeling of our life is far beyond belief

Happy praying and I happy there are others left out their who believe!.

You need to listen to a song called Stay Strong by The Newsboys you will understand when you hear the wordsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't really worry!. Many people worry that the end of the world is coming!. Terrorist attacks, global warming, the United States failing economy, more natural disasters than usual, so many things that is happening, overwhelming the good things that happen then the bad!. Don't worry about dying!. Besides, you aren't really dying in the first place!. You're just starting another journey!. And the shooting star, it might as well have been God's sign, telling you that He'll protect ya!. God won't abandon anyone that believes in Him!. Faith is on your side!. Remember, just like wind, you can't really see it, but you can feel Him!. God Bless ya!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You at least experienced a kind of epiphany, in which your love and God-harmony permitted your soulful appreciation of a natural beauty!.
It is definitely the case that Angels and Saints, observing your spiritual uplift, could send you holy feelings and awareness of Love, relating to your perceiving of the shooting star!.

In other words, your spiritualized sensibility permits Angelic telepathic Love-thoughts of God, and you "see the world in a grain of sand, hold infinity in an hour," and other such insight!.

This process, which is your championing of the inner sense ("innocence" or childlike love, joy, and holy humility and awe), is a type of "prayer and worship!." This lifting up of your sensibilities is the God-given opportunity we all have, as equal before God, for so championing our inner childlike path of Christliness, 24/7!. Those who do so, more often, build their own Pauline "star" of individual love, joy, mind, and so on!.

This process occurs as we "die daily" in the process known as "sleep," in which the prayer-intention for God to guide, guard, and teach us (our souls' awareness) as our bodies rest at night!.

A very worthwhile, 130-page book, easy-reading, example of this process: "The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis!.

Two other, perhaps more-challenging (point-of-view-wise) books: "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck and "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves!.

God bless you!.!.!.especially for those selfless prayers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course it was and you are not crazy!. I always look up in the sky too whenever i have a chance, pray to God, and sometimes I ask for help, I look again at the sky and it seems i see signs through the clouds or so!. My daughter saw a cross inside the moon on the night of good friday this year!. Of course it could been 2 plane's fumes crossing over, but i still believe it was a sign!. Keep believing and praying!. He does listens!. He's very powerful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Throughout history there have been incedents like this!. There are alot of people on the world and for you to be thinking of somthing and then something correlating happening within your range of sensing is inevitable!. but why would it matter if it was god or not!? would it change how you affect other people or the world!? Because that is the only thing that matters on earth seeing that after we die our past actions are the only things of us that live!. Think whatever of the "sign" that will inspire productivity and positive influence and morallity to the world

and i highly doubt the world is ending!. There have been far greater threats during our existence that would give support to an "apocalypse" than that of today such as the World Wars, the Cold war, and an assortment of revolutions!.

Natural disators are!.!.!.natural

this is logic not aetheismWww@QuestionHome@Com