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Position:Home>Philosophy> Was it morally right to bomb HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI to complete destruction?

Question: Was it morally right to bomb HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI to complete destruction!?
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This ones father served in the Marine Corp during WW II and would have been one of those sent to invade the island nation of Nippon/Japan, should that nation have decided not to surrender unconditionally after the two mentioned bombings!.

After the surrender, it was learned from civilian accounts as well as captured documents that the people of Nippon/Japan were prepared to fight to the death of every man woman and child on the island if their emperor, His Royal Highness Hirohito, had so ordered them to!.

The ensuing death toll would literally have been unimaginable to both the Nipponese/Japanese as well as to the allied forces that would have carried out the invasion!.

The realization of such must be weighed carefully against the horrors and destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as by the aftermath and effects of the radiation poisoning that followed!.

How many person who have been born and lived since would not have been as their fathers and mothers would not have been!?

The other reality is that one can not go back and change history!. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki occurred and nothing can change that fact!.

Perhaps it is the better and more beneficial course to learn from such primarily learning that war is not the answer; that all of humanity must live, and work together for the mutual benefit of all existence!.

Peace to all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Huh Huh Huh----now sit down & think what Morality is ultimately! I wonder when they say,"IN War & Love, there is nothing WRONG or UNFAIR!"
I've gone through 13 or 15/16 answers above and too shocked to see, maximum answers went in favor of that Ugly & Nasty order of bombing & funny thing is this they were a kind of 'worrying' for Americans! (Some included Japanese also to 'enrich' their justifications!
One answerer, Kissomaru, answered perfect & I hope his answer would be the Best!. Then another, Guitar!.!.!.posted nice with justification!. To me it was not at all morally right doing!. War is War, I know, but their should be some ethics when the war happens among Human beings, not among animals!. It can't be a so-called 'moral' order to KILL millions innocents to stop a battle! Moreover, ATOM was not invented for destruction! Only the Devils or Evil spirits use 'good' thing as 'bad'!. Forget the killings of the millions, what's happening now!? Still babies are born disabled, blind, deaf or dumb----only because of the after-effect of that ugly bombing!
Since you asked this question here in an open page, so you would get answers "morally" right & wrong!. Some people mix up their "angers with morality" without knowing the then history!. That's shocking & that's why WARS as well as bombing are here still! Shame!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably not a lot of "moral" involved!. Consider that if your grandfather had been sent into Japan to kill every Japanese person - and consider that he probably wouldn't have survived himself - so you wouldn't be asking this question!.

The atom bombs stopped the war before your grandfather or mine was sent ashore to kill Japanese!. So what's "right"!? Perhaps it would be been more "moral" to not fight the war in the first place!.

also atom bombs get all the ink, but we killed more Japanese people when we firebombed Tokyo with conventional bombs - it was terrible and largely lost to history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Assuming a utilitarian stance:

Debateable!. Did it really save lives!? Would there have been an invasion of Japan without them!? I don't know enough about it to answer, I'm afraid!. What I do know is that the bombing runs leading up to Hiroshima and Nagasaki almost ALL resulted in more deaths than either nuclear blasts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see this as a question of whose life is more valuable!. Obviously the Americans at the time believed their lives to be more valuable, but who is the ultimate judge of that!? What I don't like is that the people who died because of those bombs were not just trained army personnel!. They were innocent women and children who were raised to have a feeling of Japanese pride just as we have American pride!. They did not see the war as an evil which they were committing!. As a president who makes this decision, you are meant to be protecting your own people!. In that case, the decision at the time was the right one for the fate of our country!. As a human being, rather than a politician, I am strongly against the bombing!. In my opinion, neither war or total destruction is ever the right answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a morally correct descision because if they had not dropped the bombs, millions of americans AND japanese would have died in the invasion of Japan!.

It is still tragic that that many had to die for the war to end, but it was much better than having Japan fight to the last man, woman, and child!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was worth it
The japanese valued honor above most anything then, and they would sacrifice lives for their country!.

As many or more of them would have gone down fighting, including probobly even more americans, if they werent dropped

while it ended lives of citizens, and not just soldiers, as many people use as an excuse, those soldiers whose lives were spared are people too, with families at home

it was definately rightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes; it saved the lives of thousands of Americans and thousands of Japanese and brought peace and prosperity to the Japanese Islands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. It was in self defense!. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and it was in the self interest of the USA to retaliate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To end a bloody war and to conserve many millions of American soldiers that would have been lost during an invasion, yes it is very worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

morally no it was wrong
but other it had to be to done or we wouldnt be where we are to dayWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was morally wrong!.

But that is not what I was taught!.

I do not understand it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Morality is to war what flowers are to a funeral!.!. a polite afterthought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


"morally" with no context is meaningless!. Xian morality!? Pragmatism!? Nihilism!? What school are we talking here!?Www@QuestionHome@Com