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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it always true that "BEHIND A GREAT MAN is a great woman"?

Question: Is it always true that "BEHIND A GREAT MAN is a great woman"!?
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From my boy-hood I had been hearing this old saying & I believed knowing nothing! At my college level, I started believing this, knowing that there could be a great woman behind a great man, whom (the lady behind) perhaps I didn't know!. How could I know the lady behind the writer of Hamlet!? Or who was behind Van Gogh, Keats, Sir SO & SO or even behind a king long before!? Then one day an extraordinary idea came that it could be MOM, The MOTHER, the great women behind a great man! Sure enough! Because without that great Mother, the great man couldn't come!
I was pleased with the idea!. The at very adult age, the whole thing became a bit foggy or misty to me! How could from an illiterate, back dated woman a great man would be able to appear!? Though the person is GREAT, no doubt, but how could the lady behind be great!? So puzzling! Now I realize the TRUTH behind the old saying!. In fact, it's the INSPIRATION indeed! Yes, it could be & should be!. I've heard of so many Great Men, who were inspired by the girls, by the ladies, by the women somehow, someway!. The great legend Poet of Bangladesh (also in India), late Jibanonodo Das, who wrote (composed) so many great poetries & poems on a lady "BONOLOTA SEN"------excellent works, but nobody knows yet who was BONOLOTA or at all she exists/existed! Same way, the present legend of India, Mr, Sunil Ganguly composed dozens of poem on some "Neera"----we never knew such lady yet!!. It indicates, there were someone, some women behind them!. Is that the reality!? Probably not!. The fact might be the INSPIRATIONS the great Men inspired by the women!. If so, then of course those women are great in a way, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Women are a comfort, support and blessing, and mans worst nightmare realised, it depends entirely upon the woman and mans ability to exert authority!.

Yes many men flourish with the love and loyalty of a good strong woman behind them!. Many great men and Gods have also been destroyed by lesser women’s ambitions to become one of this noble league!.

Some women are self governed and counselled!. Others become horribly contemptible and arrogant is pandered or flattered!. It depends upon the calibre and mettle of the genetics!.

Perfection is man and woman coexisting in peace and harmony allowing one another freedom and the ability to place ones absolute truth and faith in one another’s integrity without the need for domination or oppression of either!. An affable devotion and a wholesome want to place ones heart and soul in each others hands in the safe knowledge that it prospers and is safe there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, but then again there isn't anything that is ALWAYS true!. Some men can be great without a women, there are some men who are great because of women, but not all!. It is not true, just the way behind a great woman there is a man, is not always true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, I would like to think so!!! Great men are created by
God but great women become great because they understand the needs and motives of a great man!!!
Show me success in a man and 90% of the women behind them are super supportive!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, my best friend he's a boy his mother died there are virtually no female relatives in his life and only a few friends, but he rocks!.

While it can be VERY true, it's not ALWAYS true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No! Many great men were never married!. Heck, these days many are homosexual!. How many of the modern day designers were married!. If you try hard, you could find 100's of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As all are great and each had a mother!.!.!.!.

Judgments are difficult and usually unwise!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's as true as any aphorism, platitude and cliche!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, not for every situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although some would like to think so!.!. I need not elaborate on that point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, !.!.!.!.!. generally holding him back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Immanuel Kant was a bachelor all his life, yet he was a great man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I believe its VERY trueWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but a greater without!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

from what I see around me, I firmly believe that it's true!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a great man, and I'm gay!. :-oWww@QuestionHome@Com


wow, what a total waste of timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

(ex!.: my boyfriend)Www@QuestionHome@Com