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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is life what you thought it would be?

Question: Is life what you thought it would be!?
Or do you want to be a kid again!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Life is not what I had planned!.!.!.!.
It is better in some ways and worse in others!.
Very few things will ever be as you expect them to be!.
Life it seems is just like that!.

No I don't want to be a kid again!. Just wish I had paid more attention in school!. Would like to go back to it someday!. Maybe become what I had always wanted to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is life!. Everyone experiences it and people should be thankful that they are given life!. No matter how I thought life would be, it truly is a blessing!.

Being a kid again!.!.!.ah nostalgic!. Where you had no worries, you didn't have to think seriously about what you wanted to grow up to be in life, you didn't have to worry about bills, money, jobs or even serious relationships with a special person!. Wasn't it great!?

Haha, but this is now, and that was then!. We should think about the present and future, and try to enjoy life as it comes!.
: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

As has occurred to many others, this one was mislead by many of the "reward/punishment" faith systems which this one chose to practice until finally forced to face and accept the same as the wrong path for this one after a moment of enlightenment his daughter lead him to!.

This one chose to return to a lived philosophy that teaches him to see what is for that which it is without subjective opinion, judgments or condemnations, in the promotion of harmony, unity, justice and peace towards all without the distraction of illusions!.

In this present manifestation, this one can not "turn back the hands of time" so as to return to his youth!. Being that which one is in the present moment is enough!.

May it be well with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not sure if life is what I thought it would be, because my life is not over yet!!!! There were surprises and pride in my life but of course I expect more!! I find if I don't think about getting or achieving something then when it happens it is so
rewarding, also that way disappointment can't happen!!!
Being a kid has its rewards but you must move on to experience all of life's hills and ruts!!!! I wouldn't want infinity, that would be endless in experience!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We never exactly know how life is going to unfold!. Life is mysterious and unpredictable!.

One does not have to stop to be a kid when he or she reaches adulthood!. In fact, if we suppress the child within, always inquisitive, dreamful and innocent, we surrender to a monotonous life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't think much about what life would be like when I hit 18 or 20, but I never would've guessed that I'd be in the line of work that I am, or thinking the way that I do!. Life is more than I ever could've imagined as a child!. It is filled with more splendor and pain alike, than I could've fathomed!. It has more meaning than I could've understood at that time!.
I could not have possibly grasped the concept of the life that i now live!.!.!.
That is an awesome question, you've struck a cord!. i never thought of this in the past, but it would have done me and others a whole lot of good if I had!. Thank you!.
You reminded me of how exciting it is to be alive, too!

thank you, really!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I mean i don't think from birth to now i expected life to be anything but a normal human life!. but from about when i waz a yr old my mom taught me to cherish life so i guess from there i just expected wonderful things even from small things, belive it or not!. even though i have ALOTTT of years to go in my life i wouldn't re-do my life ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are some things I'd love to have the chance to do over again but there's others I wouldn't want to lose the experience of having done in order for that to happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life is absolutely not what i expected it to be when i was younger!.!.!. i would love to be a kid again, but i would not change much that has happened over the years!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly its pretty much what i expected!. pain and suffering!. a cycle of mindless chores, ect!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Helll No!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since I had no plan, I must have made it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com