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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you be comfortable with uncertainty?

Question: How do you be comfortable with uncertainty!?
Message for Josh K:

Pasta buddy, are you going to wow me again with your superb answers ;)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Sure sweetheart, I will give it my best shot!

While searching for yourself, or just living life for that matter, you never can expect the unexpected!. It's like jumping out of an airplane, and "praying" on the way down, "Please parachute, open!. Please, please, please!." You can hope and pray all you want for that one easy break, the break that will endure you for the rest of your life, but you might as well be pulling on the chord to deploy your parachute, without having a parachute!.

If you found a dark cave, would you go inside without a flashlight!? Of course not!. Maybe with a light!? The possibility is rising!. Why with a light!? You cannot be sure of what is lurking in the depths of the dark and with a light, you can be certain that you will have the ability to see what is ahead of you!.

What is the light!? Well, that is something that only you can find!. I know what it is for me though!. It is waking up to this beautiful and crazy thing we call life!. It is that feeling in my hair each time a suble breeze sweeps by!. It is the fog in the morning after a brisk cool night, it is the Sun going down to say goodnight!. It is love that I feel and love that I share!. It is the feeling I get when I stare at the stars at night with all my might, hoping they are looking back at me without a fight!. It is that rush I feel after I realize that I am me!. And I will take me and run like the wind!. I will fly away into the sky with the birds, I'll wave hi!.

Shine your light!. May it burn as bright as the stars are at night!. May you take that light that will save you from uncertainty and may you run as fast as the breeze!. May you fly away into the sunset with you arms wide open, and your life shining bright!.

Much love to you princess! ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the question/issue!. If it's about religion (not knowing what to believe) then you can become Agnostic!. Agnosticism is the acknowledgment that humans can't and shouldn't know the answers to questions about the afterlife and such!. From the acknowledgment that all religions are factually incorrect and scientific theories have as-yet unsolved holes, comes comfort in uncertainty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people consider that being Spontaneous!.!.!.!. You just need to know that there are some things in life that are uncontrollable!. Life is full of uncertainties!.!.!. All you can do is prepare yourself to be a strong, independent and well educated person!.

Its my belief that some things happen for a reason!. Like the saying says, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!.!.!. and wiser ! So for the next unpredictable experience occurs your better prepared to handle it in a more mature fashion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If something's uncertain, I tend to not think about it!. I guess it's just my personality!. Most of my friends get extremely worked up or stressed about stupid things like waiting on test results, waiting on college or job selection, and other things they can't control!.

I guess my mindset is completely different!. I tend to focus on the bigger picture and put things into context!. I also realize that there are so many things in life that are uncertain, that it doesn't make sense for me to worry about them when I could be using my time to do something productive and enjoyable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How can you not be, it surrounds us; every moment and everywhere!. Nothing is certain, that's our challenge in life!. That is the purpose of our creative minds, to adapt and to evolve!. Understand the big picture, that we live to learn, to seek wisdom, to pursue that perfection of certainty!. But at the end, I suspect it is all a myth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have no expectations and you won't be disappointed!.

Always have a contingency plan!.

Learn to forecast based on statistical probabilities!.

Never place a bet you can't afford to lose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything Ego said!.

And certainty is an unattainable form of perfection!. You do without it the same way you do without perfection itself!. It is not for this earth!.


You embrace uncertainty!. And then you read up on Existentialism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By ignoring it completely!. Easier said than done but the fact is that if you turn uncertainty into a certainty you will not be disappointed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Uncertainty keeps you interested!.
You'd be incredibly bored if everything was certain wouldn't you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When i understand that uncertainty is certain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Finding contentment in the way things are and learning to be happy by making them better one step at a time!. Patience is a virtue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Find your answers in math or GodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Trust God!.
Proverbs 3:5,6Www@QuestionHome@Com

the unchanging rule of the world is change!.So,get used to itWww@QuestionHome@Com