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Question: A question on love: Agree or disagree!?
Even if love only happens once in your life it awakens the love inside you, it lights the flame of love inside you and then you can create a world of love!.!.!. even if the person that seems to "cause" the love in you walks away, the love in you is still awakened and you can go and create a world of love!.!.!.!. maybe even a new love awaits you already!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was!.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere!.
They're in each other all along!.

So yes I agree!. Love opens us up from our childish self indulgence to the greater wholeness!. Through it we transcend our limited self to discover the universal truth!.


In all love,

Totally agree!. Love is the only truth!. Anything less then love is a lie!. True love is eternal!. It is not dependent on anything nor is it conditional!.

Some mistake a business relationship for love!. If you love someone because they are physically beautiful, rich and popular then what happens when they get older and lose their youthful "beauty'!? What happens to your love if they no longer have money to spend!? If love leaves under these circumstances then it is not love, it is a business relationship!.

A shirt vendor sells his customers shirts!. In this relationship he sends his customers shirts and the customer then sends him money!. If the vendor stops sending shirts or the customer stops sending money, then the relationship probably ends!. This is a business relationship!. It is based on giving something to receive something!. There is nothing wrong with this kind of relationship but it is not love!.

It is good to know the difference, for if your "love" is dependent on what you get, then it is not love but a business relationship!. Again nothing wrong with a business relationship, just don't confuse it with love!.

Love is best experienced when given away!.

Blessings and peace to all,
All in all,

I really don't know!. I don't believe I have experienced true romantic love, or maybe I always expect too much from romantic love I don't know!. There must be many that never experience it and on that basis would never have an awakened love, I can't say, maybe we have to be more patient and watch love unfold more gradually!.!. lol bet I am not the only one in the world who sleeps with their arms around a pillow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I whole heartily disagree with your flawed assumption concerning love!. Edgar Cayce once said that we have many "soul mates" we all are supposed to look and we will find them!. I have looked and I have yet to find another like my beloved wife!. When my loving wife moved on to her rest I was left all alone!. It is enough to drive you stark raving insane!. The line between a loving heart and shear hatred is very thin and I keep falling off of it!. I have created a world where love reigns supreme as we wanted, then evil forces beyond our control had shattered our world and left all alone in this dreadful place!. So, I strongly disagree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have my doubts that love even exists!.

Compassion exists!. It is usually an altruistic concept, placing ones self in anothers shoes and asking "what if it were me"

Infatuation exists!. Lust exits!. Comfort and contentment in familiarity exists!. Mutual support and reliability exists (which is what marriage was originally about!.!.!. that and procreation in monogamous sexuality)

The love I have experienced ended up fading with time!.!.!. each new love feels different!.!.!. and looking back in hindsight, I question whether or not it was love at all, because the pain is gone even though the memory persists and the emotion has faded!.

Love is a gut-wrenching feeling, a queeziness that accompanies fear of loss!.

Im willing to accept that I dont know what love is yet!.!.!. because they say it is selfless, a concern for anothers well-being to the extreme of self-sacrifice!. I cant comprehend that!. It might be the idealists interpretation of what love is supposed to be!.!.!. but does anyone in our society truly feel that way!? I observe we are all a bit too self-absorbed for such things!. Just look at the divorce and infidelity rates!.

Then again, every emotion that exists is felt physically, as a physical manifestation of sensation!.!.!. no emotion is truly and completely experienced within the mind and soul itself!.!.!. it all has no meaning or feeling without the physical association!. (Describe what fear feels like without using another subjective emotion!.!.!. and describe it without talking about the bodies reaction such as heart-pumping and adrenaline-rushing!. Is it even possible!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally agree with u but it takes time for u 2 get over a person u truely love ,not every1 is the same some ppl loseing there love go crazy and kill themselves some wine abt it and cry some say whatever and move on but wat ur saying is 99% correct and most of the time when u loze the person u love u find a better person it happens alot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree Love is ever changing and never ending to the eternal a friend of mine was just speaking about this today no matter what happens in your love relationships if you always have love in your mind and heart your life will be ok!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.even if the relationships disolve and end :)))

Love is consciousness that can never be asleep you need to be present always in your life!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love is awake,
love is life,
feel the energy,
the body's light,
words whispered,
like caresses,
the heart is open,
the world love,
Serpent power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree that once you have experienced that you want it again!.
It is a wonderful feeling and though it can cause extreme pain as well, if have had real love we know it is worth the pain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel the hardest chellange of our life is to love the persons you hate so much!.

Once you pass thru that test, you will understand the meaning of love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The lover and the loved one are same!.
When the divine love is awakened inside SAKTHI met the SHIVA and both are merged into one world to create many worlds!. OM NAMA SHIVAYAWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is no alternative but to agree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, Love opens many doors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes i agree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com