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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do humans feel the need for a 'Meaning of life'?

Question: Why do humans feel the need for a 'Meaning of life'!?
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Because a great part of living life is to work hard, suffer, cry, deal with consequences, etc!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. of course there's the good times, but anyway, we end up dead!.

Once that happens the world will keep on going naturally so you can't help but ask yourself: what was the point of living in the first place!?

I guess we just need to know that everything we do has a meaning!. We want to know what the point of 'working so hard to make it in this messed up world' is and that we are not here to just be here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of the time, it's because people want to find some sort of real purpose in the nature of all things!. Like, this guy's purpose may be, as a doctor, to help others, but as humans, what is our purpose!? A raison d'ĂȘtre, if you will!.
Other people, they're just inquisitive and want to know everything they can about the world!. Its truths and its lies!.
As for me!.!.!.I'm so comfortable, so happy, so enlightened where I am right now that these questions about life and the universe pretty much just pass me by entirely!. I'm less than interested in finding the meaning of life; I found my own already!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It goes hand in hand with the child that needs to be loved and wanted!. Basic human emotions----that have been evolving over the years as human thought expands!.

Many people use this as a survival tool against the cruel, harsh dealings with the fellow man!. They "hang in there"
so they can fulfill their purpose in life and go to a better one in the afterlife!.

The meaning of life helps the human cope with the intense fear of dying, which we will all do, and is terrifying to many of us-----because we are wired for survival!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there were no meaning, then why would we be here!?

Or you can use circle logic!.

There is no meaning!!!

Than that sentence means nothing!.

Since there is something, instead of nil, there is meaning!.

Or use an anology!.
I just bought you a thrity thousand dollar car without an engine!. You ask, "what is the meaning of this!?"
And if we were those people who find no reason for anything, I would not need to speak, and you would understand!.

To deny meaning, is to deny your very existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


i never understood that either!. i was just with my friend and they were asking me what the 'meaning of life' is!.
even if you did find it, how is it going to make your life easier!?
you might spend you whole life looking for the answer and maybe when you do figure it out your too old and about to die to do anything about it!.
just live your life and learn from your experiences!.

thats my theory anyway =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, who wants to feel purposeless!?!? We search for a meaning of life to feel important and like we were put on Earth for a reason and not just because!.
If we can set a goal and call it our meaning of life we try to reach it and we try to become successful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life itself could make no sense!.
Humans have a natural instinct of curiosity, like any other animal!.
Sooner or later, us as a species will go extinct!.

Isn't it natural to wonder why we're here; What our purpose is!?
If we all died in the next second, what else would matter!?
We don't have a purpose !.!.!. that bugs you, doesn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because we, as humans, always want more!.

We want to know if there's something better, something grander, than all of this--this life we have on Earth!.

Some turn to religion for answers while others sit back and embrace here and now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So they feel important!.!.!. thinking that life is for nothing (which it is not it is for the a) growth of a society b) destruction of a society) is a downer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they need to or else they wouldn't feel special!. suicide everywhere!. nothing exciting!. the same boredom over and over and over again!. you need the spice in life to live!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because life is miserable and cruel and we really really need to know if it is even worth bothering with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because there seem to be a sense of emptiness in every person's life at times!.

To keep more motivated, they seek some good answers!.

For its purpose!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To have a sense of direction and purpose thus making each second of life counts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com