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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you find more things to ponder on...?

Question: Do you find more things to ponder on!.!.!.!?
in your joy or in your sadness!? And when your sadness doesn't help you anymore, do you sometimes invent fictions to feel empathy for!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
!.!.!.True, I am a "pondress" (new word)!.!.!.but my sadness has never lead me to displaced empathy!.!.!.I have known a few people like that in my life, however, and luckily I had the discretion to see through them!.!.!.I am gullible about silly things, but it has proved that I am gifted in the area of sniffing out "tall tales"!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If things go wrong all the time you start to be conditioned to accept it as normal!. When things start to go well after you start to feel out of your comfort zone and look for faults!. Probably the same as feeling sad, or joyous you get conditioned if you have similar feelings for a long period of time and then when it isn't there anymore you might look out for something that is familiar to you!. You could even interpret a situation to feel a familiar feeling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've found much more to question in my sadness than in my joy!. There are always questions as to what I've done wrong, what can I do to change it, etc!. On the other hand, I simply appreciate what I have to be joyful for, without questioning it (even if I don't know why I'm so fortunate, I generally stop pondering before it becomes ponderous)!. The only time I've invented fictions to feel empathy for was when I was in college and writing stories -I try not to add too much drama in my life ordinarily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think at those two extremes my mind is too overloaded for pondering!. It is after the joy or sadness, from the void we feel left with, come many things to ponder!. Too imagine those worse off then ourself & how it may be for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My escape from my mind is not entirely based on mood!. There are certain things that let me get away for a bit and they are most welcome!. As far as fictions, they come in waves leaving me glad to rest during the few "dead times" I encounter!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My brain never stops working, regardless of my mood!. But I find I never have to fantasize anything or anyone in order to feel empathy!. (Besides, if its not real, what's the point!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm always thinking/pondering, only a little bit more when I'm sad, pondering why people are so cruel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pondering is great!. Managing is better!. Converting poison to medicine is best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i find it in both!. i like the joy more than the sadness!. when i am sad i sleep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
