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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do we know that unicorns do not exist?

Question: How do we know that unicorns do not exist!?
My question revolves around the meaning of exist and whether it is possible to affirm or deny the existence of anything!. It is often said that unicorns do not exist!. But how do we know whether unicorns exist or not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We have no good reason for believing them to exist!. Maybe!.

However, if one accepts that the universe is infinite (or there are infinite universes), or even accepts that it's possible, it's ludicrous to assert that unicorns don't exist, because we'd have a very good reason for believing unicorns do, in fact, exist!. Even if one, in fact, considers the universe to be the size astrophysicists consider it to be, our knowledge of the universe is very poor evidence that there exist no unicorns whatsoever!.

However, I think when people assert there are no unicorns, they generally mean there are no unicorns on Earth!. For which there is considerable evidence - of all the places where horses are known to exist, not a single unicorn has ever been observed, despite immense amount of observation in general!. Where horses are believed not to exist (or, I believe, known not to exist) AND there is little to no observation in general (e!.g!. in the middle of Australia), it is unlikely that unicorns exist, as no horses or horse-like things have ever been observed in those areas, and the theory of evolution states that it's a slow process to evolve from one kind of being to another (such as from species X into unicorns), and so one would expect horses where one would find unicorns!.

Sorry, that all sounds very convoluted!. I'd make it more lucid, but I'm quite tired now!. I might improve on it at some point during the week!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) I have not had the pleasure of meeting one

2) No one else I know has ever had the pleasure of meeting one

3) There is no strong inductive/deductive argument as to why there should exist unicorns, despite the fact that I've never experienced one!.

: !. While accepting the possibility that I am wrong and unicorns do exist and are invisible, it is completely rational to assume that they probably do not exist, given 1,2,3!.

Atheists often apply the same chain of reasoning to justify why they do not believe in God!. However, I believe that they are wrong on 3, and maybe even on 2!. I haven't decided what my opinion is on Natural Revealed Religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We assume they do not exist because we haven't seen them!. But here's an argument for the other side: If we can think of a flying equine creature with a horn (a unicorn) and all our thoughts and ideas are derived from occurrences of the universe (assuming that all existence is contained within the universe), then the universe allows the existence of a unicorn!. Thus, we cannot say that a unicorn does not exist!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was said that scientists believed that the unicorn had become extinct by the 17th century because of the fossil had found!. They soon discovered that it is a wild ox or bull that became extinct!.
However people started making stories, legends and myths about the unicorn!.
It wasn't proven that it had really existed even before!. Though many others believed that unicorns were sent from heavens!.
It is actually popular from myths and legends!.
So it is still existing in people's stories dreams and beliefs!.
Yet some also thought it was still a mystery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they exsist only in your imagination!.!.!. no fossil records have ever been found!. none have been found to live in this day and time, and we've pretty much been everywhere now!. so i say no they do not exsist and never have outside of ones imagination!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since one has never been found, we have to assume unicorns do not exist!. That does not mean that they don't, however!. It just means that until one is found, it can be assumed that one never will be found!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They probably did at one point!. They are now extinct like many other animals!. Dinosaurs are a great example of animals being extinct!. They were hunted for their horns!. Which gave a medicinal property!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are not mentioned in the Bible!. So they either do not exist or are completely unimportant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unicorns and gods inhabit the realm of the fantastic that is ruled by our imaginations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The absence of proof is not the proof of absence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, we don't know, but we don't know they do either!. I love dreaming of fantasy-elves, mermaids, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol, Hate Boy, they are mentiond NUMEROUS times in the bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com