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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can anyone tell me what is beauty?

Question: Can anyone tell me what is beauty!?
some body tells ,beauty is good nature ,sometimes I hears that beauty is on personality presentation ,i thought beauty is in true love!.but now i want to know that what is real beauty!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Beauty is so much more than just the physical sense of the word!.!.!. You can find beauty in all living beings!.!.
You can find it in all non-living things!.!.
Beauty is something different to each and every person!.!. B/c If I say find a cat for example beautiful!.!. You may not like cats and say eewwee!.!.!.It truly depends on the person saying someone or something is beautiful!.!. Everyone has their own opinions!.!.
A person for example may not be all that attractive on the outside but on the inside they are the sweetest person you know!.!. So to you!.!. If you love that person you DONT see them as NOT being beautiful physically or spiritually!.!. You find them
beautiful b/c of WHO they are inside and out!.!.
It's all a matter of what attracts you most to a person!.!.
And LOVE YES!! It is VERY BEAUTIFUL!! in fact that is ONE beauty that has no limations!.!.!. It's ever changing!.!. and it can be everlasting as well!.!.Love is by far the greatest, most powerful,unsurpassed beauty of them all!.!.
And Love can be found in everyone who you think is beautiful inside and out!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone has their own definition of "beauty"

To me beauty is what I am attracted to or what makes me happy!.

If I was to see a woman pushing her daughter on a swing I would consider it a beautiful site!. I think it is beautiful because it makes me smile to see it!.

If I have a dear friend who can always make me laugh or some I would consider them a beautiful person!.

Beauty is not always defined by what people look like!. Beauty is way more deaper than that!. Although someone could be very "good looking" they may not be a beautiful person!.

It's all about what makes you smile and what makes you so happy that you feel all warm inside!.

You can find "beauty" in anything you want to!. You just have to look deeper at things and situations!. For example people say the birth of a child is a beautiful thing!. Well have you ever seen a child being born!? It's not a pretty sight!. The mom screaming in pain and crying, the baby coming out!.!.!. Shall I go on!? The point here is that it truly is a beautiful situation!. A new life has been givin!. A new soul!. A new addition to a family!.

You have to look deep into things and situations to find Beauty!.

Nothing is as it seems on the outside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Psychologically and physiologically correlated with symmetry, endorphins!.
Spiritually connected with Being, God!.

Several lesser-known, and excellent, sources:

"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,
"Shakespeare in the Light of Sacred Art," Martin Lings, Ph!.D!.,
"Love and Sexuality" and "Creation: Artistic and Spiritual," O!. M!. Aivanhov, and
"The Third Music," Ann Ree Colton!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

` Beauty is the quality of an object, or a sense, or thought that arouses admiration, approval or pleasure; a particular trait, grace, or charm that pleases!.

There you have it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beauty is creation, beauty is a process, beauty is art in the making!.

Of course, exactly what that is depends entirely on who you ask, and going even further, WHEN you ask!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

beauty is subjective, we all have our OWN idea of what beauty is/should be, based to large extent on our unique experiences in life, and shaped by what we've been taught by society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beauty is something that we wonder at, whether it is Love or a flower or the innocent smile of a child!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beauty is your own personal masterpiece!.
WHATEVER that may be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beauty is on whatever things/people that make another person feels that attracted to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beauty is a pleasing sense of harmony (of anything) agreeable to us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

beauty comes from the eye of the beholderWww@QuestionHome@Com

beauty is in the eye of the beholderWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's whatever you think it isWww@QuestionHome@Com