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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are we in this together or are you in it alone?

Question: Are we in this together or are you in it alone!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Both!. We are intimately connected with every other living being, and we are eternally individual!. We come here alone, and we develop our attachments to others, and we can help one another, but in the end, we also leave alone, as individuals!. Suppose you get on the bus to some destination!. On the bus, you become acquainted with those also going the same way, and you have some conversation or some dealings with the driver, etc!.!. But then, the bus comes to its destination, and you part ways with those who rode with you, never to see them again!. This is how it is in our life!. We may travel some distances with others, but it is always temporary, and we continue on our own paths, sometimes traveling along with others, and sometimes on our own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is true that we are born alone and we are also alone when leaving this world!. But it is not like travelling in an alien world, alone and abandoned!. In life, we not only come across strangers, acquaintances & so called friends, we also live the prime portion of life with our parents or children!. Can we deny the bondages with our parents or children!? Again in many occassions, relationships develop with someone very special person, which turns into life partnerships, never to be broken!. We may also find friends worth having, with every year passing, 'who mean more than gold'!. I wish top add that we are together in the sense that we have a family and that is the core formation of all relationships in this world!. Relatioships start from a family and then extends through social occassions and events!. However, there is an emty space in every mind and that is where we all are alone!. All our pains, egoes, ambitions, pride, humbleness, victories, defeats, frustrations, attainments and most important, our individual quests are stored there!. We are alone in our quests, although we live together!. At times of pain and isolation, caused due to our individual quests, vision and faith, we often have a sort of marooned feeling, but then without that unique quest , faith, vision and aloneness, we would loose our identities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we are in it together as one!.

the idea of together symbolizes individuals connected with a common goal!.

we are actually not that symbol!. we are the exact same thing, essence, life, etc!. spontaneously expressing its self in trillions of different ways!.

you are me and i am you in essence but we are playing different roles for a while!.

that is beyond the symbol of together and that is reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we are all in this together!. there are ties that connect us all!. it was proven mathematically that we are all connected to each other in some way!. what we do or don't do effects everyone in the world at least a little bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I'm in it alone, and you're in it alone!.!.!. Does that mean we're in it together, but separately!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was now here because you were there!.
That we are in this together so indeed!
And so we're all in together with you!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We're all in this together!. Help out when you can, be vigilant and make the difference when you can, when it counts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Together but i keep my distance!. Everyone keeps distance unless they are a fool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We're in it togetherWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm on the outside looking in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com