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Position:Home>Philosophy> God does exist! I can prove it!.................?

Question: God does exist! I can prove it!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?

Scientists have proven that at one point, the universe did not exist!. Now, we know that nothing creates nothing!. So there had to be something that created the universe!. And that something could only be 1 of 2 things!.


But how could mindless energy create such a complex universe!? The sun shines during the day, the moon rises at night!. There are over 300 trillion cells in the human body, but yet scientists have yet to complete one chart on them!.


2-It was God who created the universe

So then, who created God!?

The Bible says that God is love!.
In other words, love is God!.

Love is the only thing that science can't prove!. Love couldn't possibly have a beginning!. You can't see it, but it's there!.
No-one knows where it come from!.
The reason the human race doesn't act like wild animals, is because we have love!.

Ask anyone if they believe that with love, anything can be accomplished!. Most people will answer yes!.

Any comments are welcome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hmm u make a very good point, i am a very smart girl in all ap classes, and thus i am still torn between my relgion and the big bang theory!. I am leaning more tords god now, after i read your paragraphs, thanks things make a little more sense to me nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your assumptions are mistaken!. Just because at one point in time the universe "did not exist," and this is most certainly true, DOESN'T mean that nothing at all existed!.

And I've never heard a scientist deny that there are circumstances under which something can be created from nothing!. Precisely which scientist said this, and will you please cite your source!?

also, "You can't see that, but it's there" is not a logically valid step in a "proof," as you call it!.


God didn't need a beginning because He created time along
with the universe!. Beginning and end only applies inside the
realm of time!. Before time existed there was no beginning
and no end!. God created matter, energy, time and set the
laws of physics in motion, so to speak!.

"Science and Evolution" by Charles Colson expands on your
theory!. You might find the answer your looking for in that book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You didn't prove anything except that there has to be a third theory!.

Anyway, love is certainly not the only thing science hasn't proven yet - there are many many things that haven't been proven scientifically yet they exist or occur!. And the reason the human race doesn't act like wild animals is because we have laws!. What's love got to do with it!? If you can judge a country's soul by the way it treats its animals - then we're going to hell in a handbasket!.

Lastly, you can ask anyone anything - but that doesn't make it so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love exists mainly for reproduction, and only humans can feel love, not imaginary creatures!.

I doubt that scientists can explain how the Universe was created!. They only have theories at the moment!. But religion explains it in such a silly way that becomes almost laughable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tautology, but no proof!.
also, (by implication), you define God as the "first cause"!.
Careful, !.!.!.!. here comes the Inquisition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've got a better theory, natural selection!.

also, infinite regression as to who made the chef is NOT an acceptable argument for a creator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You forgot the third, and frankly most plausible, explanation!. I personally believe that our universe was sculpted by the noodly appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's sad we have to justify Him, isn't it!? I'm glad you did though because you don't know who you might have reached that really needed to hear that!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A better proof is found in the DNA molecule!.!.folks that claim that intelligent design cannot be proved!.!.have never grasped the elegance of DNA!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God showing up ends atheism forever and it's the one proof that no religion can provide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Flawed logic!.

This is truthy, not truth, and as such has not satisfied any requirments of being "proof!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

You do not need to prove, what I all ready know, Sorry dude I do not mean to take your wind away!. Bu I am a believerWww@QuestionHome@Com

I too personally believe that our universe was sculpted by the noodly appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster lol =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

All you need is loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

OK, love created the universeWww@QuestionHome@Com

You forgot matter!. There is no room for god in science!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your argument isn't persuasive at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This still doesn't say who created god!. By the way this is a statement not an question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True, but Christinanity is not right!.!.!.!. If you want science read the Qur'An (Yes it is the same God)Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is only one theory!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.try reading up on the M-theory!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. universes began and end continuously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

FINALLY! someone who understands!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

actually every single sentence contains a fallacy except that last sentenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Dude Tru Dat tru dat!. That was AWESOME!!!!!

God Bless<><Www@QuestionHome@Com



way to think!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm!.!.!.!. the day we die it will be answered for sure huh!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all we do not know that things cannot come from nothing read V!.Stengle!.
Secondly the universe was not created it evolved !. for there to be a creator to solve the problem of enormous complexity to the minds of some men by deluding to an infinitely more complex origin is ludicrous!. And the body has been charted better than your mind is capable of grasping,just judging from the things you have asserted as my criterion!.
Love is an emotional feeling oft times equated with being positive which oft times proves to be in error!. And God does not need a creator as there is no evidence to support the idea that there is a god except foolish imaginings immune to the scrutiny of a more profoundly conscious mind!.
Learn to analyze your thinking from a more logical less specious stance and in a matter of mere years we will be in total acquiescence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is very similar to one of Thomas Aquinas' arguments "proving" the existence of God!. Aquinas was a 13th century Catholic priest who studied philosophy, and later attempted to prove God's existence with various philosophical arguments!.

Even if the universe as we know it might not have existed at one point, it does not follow that Absolutely Nothing existed!. Even so, quantum physics has showed that, at times, something can actually be created from nothing!.

It also does not follow that only one God could be responsible for the creation of the universe, or even a "God" in the sense that you believe!.

also, If you ask "Who made the universe!?," it is also reasonable to ask "Who made God!?" If you are basing your belief system on the answer to the first question, it is somewhat irrational if you cannot also answer the second!.

Of course, these are just ideas!. No one can prove the existence of God, and no one can disprove it either!. I say, as long as nobody gets hurt, everyone just believe what they like!. Love is certainly a good thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evolution is the answer supporting the theory that you unfairly dismissed!. Almost anything consistso energy and just about accounts for everything on this planet, plus, there is proof that over time organisms can develop into more complex beings whether you like it or not!. If that's too hard for you to grasp, look at technology!. It didn't exist all billions/millions/thousands of years ago, yet we have seen it develop bit by bit into the complex thing it is now!.
Secondly, you are claiming that 'love' a human idea, created this universe as opposed to something we already know exists!. I'm not saying that god doesn't exist because i don't know and i'm not gonna pretend that i do, but it's hard to keep an open mind when people like yourself believe it's your personal mission to prove that you're right and everyone who doesn't agree with you or entertains alternative ideas is wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is nothing flawed in your logic and I agree with it!.

I too believe that God told Adam and Eve the truth that he did create the universe and the earth!. This was taught to their children as religious truth the world over for thousands of years!. So many countries have this belief!. That truth has never been changed by so many at all but remained the same for thousands of years!.

It has only been in the past 100 years that science confirmed that the universe and the earth did have a beginning!. This is why our basis of faith is not based on some whim of man that man made it up!. It was based on truth!. And why religious faith in God can be relied on no matter what!. And of course God is a loving God!. A loving God would not lie to man!. He would tell the truth!. Take care brother!. Later and God bless!.

Edit!. Some might question who made God!? The answer is if someone made God then he would not be God!. But there would have to be proof that a more powerful being existed!. But there has been no evidence of that!. And most even doubt our present God's existence!. I for one believe there is only one God and nothing more powerful than him!. Later!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com