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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you prefer to keep your parents with you or send them to old people home?or y

Question: Do you prefer to keep your parents with you or send them to old people home!?or you prefer to live with them!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well, to tell you the truth, yes!. if the people who brought you into this world and helped you through it, no matter how good or crappy a job they did, don't deserve a little help on their way out, then who the hell does!? may as well gas 'em, then, and save on the costs of upkeep!. or does that sound like somebody tried that before!? i'm not being smart with you!. thoughts, like actions, also have consequences!. just pointing out one of the ones i noticed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My parents are adults and will be forever!. I don't have any sort of intention to "do" anything with them!. I have no intention of supporting them by either funding their stay in a home or having them live in my house!.

The counter argument I already hear is "they supported you and let you live in their home, you owe them!" The thing is, I don't!. I owe my kids!. I will pay back my parents' support by supporting my kids as they did me, thus moving the human race forward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love my mother toooo much to send her to an old folks home( I would pack my dad's bags for him and call for the cab myself!!) My mother-inlaw is in one and it is pathetic to see how people are treated!. Unfortunately they cannot afford to pay someone to care for her at home so thats why we have to keep her there!. Some of the people that work there are themselves are going to be in one someday and that is when they will get their payback!. There are some good people that work there and I thank the good Lord for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have just watched somebody lose twelve years of her life looking after her old mother, who won't even consider outside help!. Old people ruin lives, and should not be kept alive for decades after their time with medication, sleeping all day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we believe in combined family ,unless our parents make us separate for any reason like shortage of living room or a big family or some times different in ideas!. thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com