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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can we stay moral in today's world? or is it still possible to be moral

Question: How can we stay moral in today's world!? or is it still possible to be moral in today's world!? thanks!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, it is still possible to be moral in today's world!. Be a Man (or Woman); stand up for what is right!. Don't fall for all the false religious figures; do what is right, not what someone tells you!. Every major religion on earth tells people that smoking and drinking are evil, yet the Humanists (Darwinists, Out of Africaists, Communists, Liberals, etc!.) rationalize the use of those things!.
Read the Bible (or Koran or Torah, whatever) and see for yourself what humans are supposed to do!.
But, hey, even if one is an atheist or agnostic, if they use reasoning, they still can be moral, as scientifically (real science, not the political stuff) you would have to come to the same conclusion as what the Bible (and others) tell you: "Put no unclean thing into your mouth!" That is really quit simple!.
For more than 400 years, learned men have know that tobacco is evil (causes diseases) and for thousands of years, learned men have know that booze is bad for you!.
If you cannot have faith, use logic and reasoning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on your definition of 'moral'!. You mean basic instinct that tells you not to do things or artificial concept of 'right and wrong' that are conditioned by and for the society!?

I take you as you are referring to artificial concept, because our basic instinct dealing with this matter is too limited; simple!. Technically you cant, what maybe moral to you may not be moral to others!. When someone asks a question that does not necessarily have one answer, answerers will come up with variety of answers, and some of the answers will not seem 'moral' to you while the person suggesting think that is only a logical answer!.

But if you want attributes of today's so-called 'moral' people i recommend: respecting others, being gentle, think about other people's emotions, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think a BIG help would be to 'clean up' our television shows!. It seems to me that when I was growing up with good old fashioned, family oriented television shows such as Walt Disney, Brady Bunch, Carol Burnett Show and all kinds of great 'clean' shows and movies, society as a whole was a lot better!. NOT perfect!.!.!. but definitely better than this!.

However, once MTV came on the scene, and cable could broadcast darn near anything!.!.!.!. now most of our television shows and movies are either super violent OR super sexed!.

And since most Americans sit in front of the television a good amount of time, it DEFINITELY has affected our society!.

I wish they would would bring back censorship and make Hollywood clean up their act!. And, seriously, I think MOST people in this country would applaud some wholesome television for change!. It doesn't have to be boring!.!.!. I mean, American Idol or the dancing reality show!.!.!.those are great examples of family oriented shows that bring in huge ratings!.!.!. so it can be done!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to purify your heart before you can even really feel in your heart what is right and wrong!. The way you purify your heart if by staying away from things that damage your soul!. To that you must know what it is that is good and bad for your soul and the One who knows that is our creator!. So we must know our creator, know what He commanded for us, and follow that!. That is the only way to excel in this life and that is how we can rectify our situation on a personal and societal level!. Otherwise we are very suseptable to evil and there is a slippery slope of justifying our evil actions if there is no solid boundry of right and wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

morals change with time!. they are relative only to the time they are in!. back in time it was immoral to show ones wrist now a day it is only immoral to show ones privates!. the idea of morals have changed so yeah you can be moral in today's world!. the morals have changed too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im with Hell Boy!. The definition of "moral" has a general consensus among different cultures!.
You really need to define what it means to you!.
There are no brainers - Dont Kill
Dont steal!.
Define what it means to you and live by it strictly!.
Live in integrity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you practice a religion:
“When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion!.”Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are an amalgam of those who went before us!. Unitary personality is a myth!. So if those who raised you were moral, you are likely to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's easier as we grow older and have less pressure of the "Everyone's doing it" type!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Avoid peer pressure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com