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Position:Home>Philosophy> English class itneraction (appearance vs. reality)?

Question: English class itneraction (appearance vs!. reality)!?
Well, I'm doing a project in English about apperances vs!. reality!. We're supposed to get the class involved somehow (some groups had kids do a 'discussion' about what they felt about that certain subject and others did a jeapordy game), but what could my group do that could be unique and exciting!?

Thank you!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Pity I can't draw here but the old scribble picture jokes are good!. What is it!? A Giraffe passing a 2nd story window and the aerial view of a mexican in a boat, same guy fishing!.!.!.!.I am sure you have seen them!. Then you can do the Pictionary game!. also funny photos that fool the eye!. I have some if I can get your email address!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could try to find pictures of people or scenes that misrepresent what the reality of the situation really is!. Did that make sense!?
Then the class could try to guess what the picture is really representing!. I can't think of any solid examples, but maybe that will help to get the wheels turning!. :o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Verizon ENVY!.

It appears awesome and cool,

When it really sucks a**!.

( If you pick this one, tell me what grade you get :P )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do appearance and reality!. They blend seamlessly for most people!.
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