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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whose philosophy of life is the best? Who is the greatest philosopher on his vie

Question: Whose philosophy of life is the best!? Who is the greatest philosopher on his view of life!?
Is Edmund Norton right when he says "Life, it is nothing but a second rate, trying hard copycat, so let us be original in everything we do"!. Or is he blatantly mistaken!?

I also read Dionisio Perez say that "In order for us to be happy, we must go on with life and not commit suicide!. Life is too precious for suicide thus let us not end it with a knife"!.

The great John Maxwell also wrote "I was born with no comprehension of the things around me, nor was I aware of the fate that awaits me!. Now forty years later, I realized that for me to comprehend life, I had to devote much time into study and the arts!. So life, in my opinion, is about study!. The fool does not study, nor does he comprehend life!. Life is being intelligent"!

Whose philosophy best defines life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maxwell was a very smart man for that comment!. I will have to read him!.
Marcus Aurelius was smart in a similar way!. He said: "“He who does not know what the world is does not know where he is, and he who does not know for what purpose the world exists, does not know who he is, nor what the world is!.”

But the western world has always hinged on the differences between Plato and Aristotle!.

"Throughout history the influence of Aristotle’s philosophy (particularly of his epistemology) has led in the direction of individual freedom, of man’s liberation from the power of the state !. !. !. Aristotle (via John Locke) was the philosophical father of the Constitution of the United States and thus of capitalism !. !. !. it is Plato and Hegel, not Aristotle, who have been the philosophical ancestors of all totalitarian and welfare states, whether Bismarck’s, Lenin’s or Hitler’s!."
Review of J!.H!. Randall’s Aristotle,
The Objectivist Newsletter, May 1963, 19!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someone said "All philosophy is a footnote to Plato!." That's too drastic, but in truth, it's hard to beat Plato's approach -- if not his conclusions, which were necessarily of his time and place!. By "approach," I mean the idea that we can determine the best way to behave in this life if we're logical and honest with ourselves!. Through Plato, Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living!." To me, that's the best advice we have for determining a personal philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You will be successful in life if you follow this rule! Trust your heart to love while using your head to create logically consistent behavior that does not contradict your heart!. When obstacles prohibit this behavior, ask yourself why, and then decide whether to fight for what's "right" or, in order to accomplish the above goal, change direction!. You can't go wrong with this philosophy of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If i could mention Jesus Christ i will, but since his too Godly to become just a philosopher, i would have to say Confucius!. I think his philosophy practically defines life!. Some of his philosophies are being applied as rules from many nations and civilizations but it really depends on how you look at life and who's the philosopher that fits on how you look at life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ayn Rand and her philosophy of Objectivism!.

As she stated - "My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute!."

Just think what the world would be like if we all embraced Objectivism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the best for me is the one which Dionisio Perez wrote",)!.!. bc0z I bliv in him!.!.that in order for us to be glad!.!.we shud do the things which are right and complete our heart^!.^

!.!.we shud also be happy with the blessings GOD gave!.!.
!.!.let's be contented",)!.!.


Its impossible to say!.!.!. bit like asking which "religion" is the best! All you will ever do is get individual opinions!. There will never be a universal agreed answer!. Individuals find what "works" for them!. What touches YOU!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com