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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you ever know what you don't know???

Question: Can you ever know what you don't know!?!?!?
Donald Rumsford said; at the moment we don't know what we don't know!. So softly softly catchee moneky!.

How can you know what you don't know seeing its unknown!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Therein lies the secret of wisdom!. The wise man knows the extent (and therefore the limitation) of his own knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No you can't!. Not all anyway!. We can start at some point but knowing increases the things we don't know so we can never really reach a point where we know everything we don't know!. For example, in the past people knew that they didn't know how Earth was created but they didn't know that they didn't know that there is such a thing as a cell when it was studied people learned things about the cell but didn't know anything about chromosomes and DNA!. Now that we know what DNA is there are other mysteries concerning DNA codes or whatever that we don't know about (and we know that we don't know them)!.
The more you know the less you know!. And it's not just about scientific facts it's about human nature and social relationships and politics too so it NEVER ENDS!.

What's "So softly softly catchee moneky!."!?
now that's something I don't knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Is that so important !? It can be!.
But this would because of what you know!.
Such as you know you don't know something and need to or would like to know it!.
Maybe people know more than they let on and find most of it either something they are not concerned with or do not have the ability to do something about!.
It is possible he was just tying to sound smart while presenting a conundrum!. Most people would say, the more you learn, the less you know!.
Basically, as you become aware of more things, you realize things can be much more complex!.
But am doubtful you are interested in learning rocket science!. It would take much time and be of little use to you or someone you know!. So like most people, you find better uses for your time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.So the full misquote goes something like:
"There are things we know!.!.!. that we know,
there are things we know!.!.!.that we do not know,
there are some things we do not know!.!.!. that we know, and
there are things we do not know!.!.!. that we do not know"!.
the context was trying to brief to congress on what the foreign intelligence services were informing about a given situation!. It is a clunky way of explaining how they categorise information and measure it against their awareness!.
!.!.!.Alas I digress!.

I personally consider that you do not know, up until the point when you know (or reasonably believe you know!?)

!.!.!.But you can (with humility) know what you don't know!. For example - I know that I don't know whether there are supernatural forces on earth!.

If I am humble and ignorant, then like Rumsfeld - I don't know what I don't know!. This is maybe more about personal awareness!?
Maybe through contemplation on what one does not know can one start to know!? Thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The quest for knowledge and understanding is just that, a quest!. It's having a good guess about what's just over the horizon, if you like!.

We can't know what we don't know, but if we're smart, we can have a pretty good guess, which tells us where to look next!. In a very real sense, we sort of DO know what we don't know, in so far as we know what it is that we WANT to know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well you could know that you dont know something but if you were taking it in the other sense i dont think you could!. maybe subconsciously!? your brain could give you hints but i dont think you would be able to grasp that knowledge unless you were placed in a situation where someone mentioned theories to you about the certain something you didnt know about 9or something similar)!.

further insight has caused me to change my answer!.

think of it this way: when you're a newborn baby, what do you know!? absolutely nothing!. nada!. after 23 years of existence, would you say you know at least a LITTLE more than you did when you were a baby!? most people actually don't, but hopefully those are just people in the red states!.

if we could never know what we don't know, there would be no learning, dude!. we would never be able to pick up anything!. and that would make our lives pretty fukcin pointless, wouldn't you say!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't know WHAT you don't know, until you learn it, but you can know THAT you don't know - which is a valued intellectual skill!.

And I don't know about wanting to catch a monkey - you ever smell a monkey's breath!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know what i know,and what i dont know that i know!.but the fact is i know nothing!.

No one knows anything and thats a start for something!.you can load only when your empty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know that I don't know swimming!.!.!.!. I know that I don't know Chinese!.!.!.!.!. well, I do certainly think that I know what I don't know, but can't be sure if I know well enough what I don't know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't know how to ride a bicycle,I new that I didn't know!. I learned and reinforced that learning by practise!.Now I can ride a bicycle!.There are many ways of Knowing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By definition, no!.
By opening eyes, minds and taking a turn through untraveled roads or uncharted waters, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know a thing about the Andromeda galaxy!. Ergo, I know what I don't know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Negative logic!. Just turn it over and then you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO not so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We question, do research and ask for help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"I only know that I know nothing"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes we can know what we don't know if