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Position:Home>Philosophy> Correct me if I'm wrong. . .?

Question: Correct me if I'm wrong!. !. !.!?
Celebacy is mandatory to monks, yet they value human life as one of the most important things to them!. But surely by no procreating they are depriving life to continue, therefore not fulfilling a humans biological purpose!.

I do not mean to cause offence, it is just a concept i do not understand and my religious studies teacher refused to answer saying it was a stupid theoryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jonny boy,
monks value life but still practise stuff like kung fu, let alone not procreating!.

let them be, don't rob them of their mojo!.

besides, anything that is founded upon human thinking will contradict itself!.

there is only one way to paradise,
i hope it is revealed to you or that you would find it someday!.


Well monks live on the principle that their way of life isn't universal - that is to say, only a few special people can ascend to their heights!. As a result, monks can choose to be celibate because procreation is still going to happen elsewhere - their destiny is limited to a small number of people!.
also, procreation isn't always seen as a human's purpose, especially in religious thought!. Although it is obviously important, it is not the sole or primary purpose of life (unlike the biological/scientific POV)
I think your teacher was wrong to dismiss your question - knowing why they don't have sex is an important insight into their beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the catholic view of things, all human life is sacred!. This is meant to apply to not taking life and treating it with respect!. For married couples, you are supposed to have kids if at all possible to fulfill your marriage!.

However, with monks/priests, they are supposed to be full devoted to God and their religious community!. In a sense they are a married to God!. It doesn't mean the monks don't value life, it is that they are meant to help everyone come to God and live religious lives and the view is, that if they had a family, this purpose would be diminished!.

It can be argued against and there are flaws, but that is the basic view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your line of thought makes sense in a way!. I think the monks think of it as more of a "do no harm" philosophy!. and it applies to all life forms, not only human!. more of a "circle of life" kind of thing!. Their aim is to find peace and enlightenment!. celibacy is a way to achieve it!. Sex and procreation, while natural, also do not allow for self-reflection!. rather it is more of the path to self-preservation!. monks do not feel the need to continue the line as they also believe in reincarnation!.

and, there is more than enough procreation going on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK so your teacher told you that you are crazy to have such a theory!. How many more people do you want to agree with her!. Your theory is one of the silliest I have read!. The fact that they have decided to abstain from pleasures of the flesh has got nothing to do with the rest of us!. We can "procreate" as many times a day as we want!. In that way we can, as you put it,fulfil our human biological purpose!.Monks seem to spend a lot of time praying for us, so let them do their thing and you can do yours, and theirs as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Celibacy is a beautiful state of sahej*!. The transcendental souls merged with the Universal Spirit enjoy peace and bliss within its grace!.

It is a decision, a life choice, by they who have found love in the spirit and renounce all worldly and fleshly pursuits being temporal and all too transient!.

Indeed they who blessed and in loving relationships maybe cannot comprehend how others could possibly live life without a partner, someone to hold!. For some it is an end that life has brought them to, and for other a concerted choice!.

The objective is love liberty and peace!. Many routes and paths to the one end paradise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From my basic understanding it is so that a life of devotion isn't deviated from, its not the act of procreation that is the issue but the attachment to the mortal coil!. Similare to the reason that monks tend not to inbide alcohol or drugs - no please can be of the meat!.

However, this is certainly an interesting debate!.!.!. christian monks - and especially gregorian orders don't in history abstain from sexual relations and there are many accounts of monks marrying and siring children!.

Perhaps you could ask to write a paper on the subject, there are a few books that look into the sexlife of monastries!.!.!. it is a fascinating topic!.!.!.

Don't forget to look at both sides of the coin though - Nuns that go wild!!! haha!!!

and of course different religions!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are plenty of couples who provide the situation for the conception of a child!. Not every body is neede to parent!. No matter how worthwhile conception is, it is something we share with 2nd density animals!. The purpose in life for 3rd density humans must be something more than that, even as they do not neglect to keep the lower 3 chakras in balance as part of the total 7 basic chakras!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They value life that exists!. All life is precious to them, but if the life doesn't exist, it doesn't matter, because it doesn't exist!.
I'm not a monk, but I've always thought the celebacy was to keep them from doing anything promiscuous, but I could be wrong!. God says to bear fruit and multiply, but I don't know what validation they give themselves for not procreating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The original "concept" (no pun intended) was "I'm too in Love with God to procreate tonight, dear!." This is Saint Paul's explanation!.

Later, human pride decided "married priests" were somehow "lesser!." This was a serious error, as a Bishop's wife normally acts as a spiritual corrective!.

"Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not a stupid theory!. It's interesting, and for a teacher to stop free thought and expression like that just shows that not all people were cut out to be teachers!. Perhaps, though she felt that you were just arguing for arguments sake!? The best ways I learned to understand myself and the people around me was to stop listening to others beliefs to find fault with them, and start listening for those little gems of knowledge that they do contain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Monks believe that life is a privilege so they try to do only good in the world!. They try not to bad at all!. They think that many things we do on a daily basis is "bad"!. They also think that when they die they'll be reincarnated as something else depending on how good they were in they're past life!.Hoped I helped!.

With all due respect,

Celibacy is a offense to God and nature and leads often to perversion, even criminal sexual activity such as pedophilia!. It is much more graceful and in tune with spiritual values to incorporate sexuality into your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Monks live a life of celibacy in the spiritual world but devote their entire life to God the one thing their world revolves around unlike we who have God, families and faith and live in the nature world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

celebacy will help you focus all of your attention on following God somewhere in the bible it has to do with paul it says it is better to remain single but if you cant contain yourself then marryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps they value life to the extent that they don't want to contribute to consumptive overpopulation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they just value life in a different perspective most of us can't truly understand!.!.!.!. procreating as it seems have a different meaning when it comes to monks!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The value ALL life even that of ants and insects!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I bet they're pleased that their parents had different views!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


You assume that one has to conceive of a life before they can actually value it!. Secondly, I'm not sure of the actual number but I'm confident that the number of people who are not monks and choose to have children is and will always be much higher than the number of people pursuing a monastic lifestyle!. With this in mind, Monks are not depriving life to continue, as much more people are taking care of that (both non-believers and believers alike)!. Thirdly, not all people have a sex drive!. Paul speaks to the Corinthians in chapter 7 about singleness being a gift, but to go forward with marriage if one had passion and desire for sexual intercourse, since it would be better to be married and fulfill that desire than to be inflamed with (sexual) passion!. Some of these monks may very well be people who haven't the desire for sexual intercourse whatsoever but there purpose is strictly to the church (pastoral, counseling, acedemia, etc!.)!.

The Monastic lifestyle, however, is one that is more contrary to Christian living (assuming we are speaking of Christian Monks)!. Why do I say this!? Firstly, it's of man's nature to be social and in so doing he exercises his purpose as a man by reasoning and being rational!. Drawing one self away from the social atmosphere, then, seems to do more harm to one self than good!. Theologically speaking it seems to defy that tenet for all disciples to evangelize the world!. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean get on a plane and go to China to evangelize!. However, for some it does and for others it simply means their local community!. Either way, for a Monk, surrounded by those who already believe, this cannot be fulfilled be regressing into solitude!. These seem to be more plausible reasons against the Monastic lifestyle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com