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Question: Can you help me understand this!? Reworked!?
Can you help me understand this!?
I have been told twice now that I am trying to invent truth Here is a link to the last question I was told this on http://uk!.answers!.yahoo!.com/question/ind!.!.!. Am I trying to invent truth!?
I think this question is quite self explanatory, Is it confusing in any way!?
This question was about if it is confusing What people say is true, not what is true, if it isn't obvious
If you can help me understand this I am most appreciative!.
As always I ask this with Metta/Loving Kindness
(((((May you all be happy)))))
Thank-you for your answers !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Truth will not be found in language--it must be experienced!. The reason for this is that it's never about the "truth," rather, its about how we come to know truth!. A fully known thing has two components, both are equally real and primary, and hence good, the one being the complement of the other!. We know truth first by inspection-- it must be an immediately experienced, aesthetically and emotionally felt thing, and second we know truth to be whatever hypothetically conceived and experimentally verified theory says it is!. Calling anything else true is merely a language game, filled with tautologies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So there is truth, but how does one know without the interpretation and observation!? How does that truth be known or useful!?

The problem seems to be that human need for knowing and applying that truth, as truth itself would have no need to be anything other than its nature -- whatever that may be!.

Nature of truth could be everything, anything, illusive, invisible, temporary, subjective, ambiguous, inconsistent, contradicting, impossible, lie or even nothing at all!.

If however we decide that we do not need to know nor to apply the truth because it is problematic to even try, then does truth matter anymore!? Are we therefore inventing a problem when we ask for the truth!?

I'm not saying there is no truth, but there are some problematic ones so trying to know the absolute whole of truth would be, for lack of a better word, difficult!.

I do feel that bwinwnbwi has nailed down the knowable / useful part of truth as defined by logic and reasoning!. But, I just cannot seem to experience the whole of prime numbers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the truth cannot be changed, but can be perceived differently!. It is wrong to say that you invent the truth, because you are just contributing thoughts and ideas to this community!. Some people take things too personally and do not tolerate other ideas than their own!. You have a right to be pragmatic in your own way, and we appreciate it when you share your ideas with us!. And yes, your question was rather obvious, but no matter how obvious it is some people will always misinterpret!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, there is something called Absolute truth in Buddhist and Vedic philosophy!. And there is relative truth which is illusory, and subject to constant change!.
If you do accept that the "real" world is really illusory - dream like, than you would accept that all truth in a dream world is subject to change, like it is in a dream!.
So you are asking this question to people in a dream!.!.!.
You should ask a yogi instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Opinion is philosophical, factual and subjective!.

Truth is not!. You are rarely wrong, and on other days, answerer's respond according to mood, mindset, and opinion based upon their own ideologies, inclinations and leanings!.

Truths are Rock, nay mountain like in their absolute, indisputable clarity!.!.

May God Spare You, if only from this troll !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If people did not believe something to be true, then what would give their lives meaning !?
It is our perspective that helps to define who we are as people and allows us to be individuals!.
Yet, to believe nothing is true is to be without form!. And if someone has no form, then what !?

Thank You :-) I know my truthWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think the issue has come from 'what is YOUR truth' indicating that my truth may not be your truth, when the basis of truth is that it simply is, applies to all and cannot be refuted because it is factual rather than a belief!.


Everyone sees truth differenetly its just as simple as that!. I can understand some of what your truth is and it comes from all the things you learn and grow up on!. But truth is truthWww@QuestionHome@Com

No confusion, your questions are challenging and make people stop and thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com