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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are morals and ethics the same thing?

Question: Are morals and ethics the same thing!?
please explain in as much detail as you'd like!. thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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They have very similar meaning and in a Thesaurus would be seen as synonyms!. there is a subtle difference in connotation!. Ethics is a system of right or wrong!. Morals have a religious or higher authority that may dictate that right or wrong!. Lawyers, doctors, and other professionals have a code of ethics - not morals!. (alright lawyers may or may not have ethics) There is no such thing as a professional code of morals!. To be immoral is to sin, to be unethical is to be a cheating snake in the grassWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not really!. According to Ethics, morals becomes of necessity a part of the nature of men, who are not subject to the Law!. But
then again, the thing cannot be taken in absolute terms, because what is forbidden to the masses by Law, is misunderstood when acted upon by those in the realm of Ethics!. I mean, the Philosophers!. That's what happened to Dostoevsky!. He meant to remove an evil from humanity by breaking the law of the masses and had to suffer a punishment that was not due him!.

Now, morals among the masses is relative for being enforced by the Law!. Therefore, punishment is due without question for any transgression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*Ethics comes from the Greek word ethos - moral character or custom!. Morality comes from the Latin word moralis - custom or manner!. The words both deal with the customs or the manner in which people do things!. Their modern meanings relate to the way people act - either good or bad!.

*Morality, strictly speaking, is used to refer to what we would call moral conduct or standards!. Morality is looking at how good or bad our conduct is, and our standards about conduct!. Ethics is used to refer to the formal study of those standards or conduct!. Sometimes, one refers to the study of conduct as moral philosophy, but that is less common than just saying "ethics!." Hence, in most chiropractic colleges, there is an ethics class, rather than one named "morality!." One might say that morality is ethics in action, but in the end, the two terms can be used interchangeably!. The study of ethics or moral philosophy can be divided into three broad areas: descriptive, normative and analytical (or metaethics)!.

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Morality (from the Latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behavior") is the learning process of distinguishing between virtues and vices!.

Generally speaking, morals are basic guidelines for behavior intended to reduce suffering in living populations!.

The proper system of values and principles of moral conduct promotes good customs (virtues), but also condemns bad customs (vices)!. Moral judgement determines whether an action should be considered as appropriate or inappropriate, selfish or unselfish!. The true identification of morality is virtue, which has to be regarded as; goodness, propriety, rectitude, righteousness!. Hypocrisy is the act of false virtue, by claiming to have higher moral standards which in reality do not correspond to the achievements!.

Morals are evaluated through logic, experience and proper judgement, whether this originates from culture, philosophy, religion, society or individual conscience!. In normative and universal sense morality refers to an ideal code of conduct, one which would be espoused in preference to alternatives by all rational people, under specified conditions!. To deny 'morality' in this sense is a position known as moral skepticism!.[1]

Morality is sometimes used as a synonym for ethics, the systematic philosophical study of the moral domain!.!.!.

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These days the two terms are nearly synonymous!. But you'll still find a few old fuddy duddies who will tell you that morals are rules regarding what yo should not do, while ethics are rules regarding what you should do!. Or whatever!.

Just use whichever sounds better in any particular sentence!.

In philosophy, the term ethics get much more use than does the term morals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Morals are more the motivation behind abiding by ethical behavior!. You aren't a very moral person if say the only reason you don't steal is because of a fear of getting caught!. You are a very moral person if you don't steal simply because you know its the wrong thing to do!. Get it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some say it aint, but it actually is!.

Moral is a greek word
Ethic is a latins word

Or its vice versa!.

Wouldnt tell your teacher this tho, a lot of people think its different things even if the words mean exactly the same thing!. Its in later days they became different because some idiot made them different!. But they really aint -_-Www@QuestionHome@Com

morals!.!.!.are your own set guidelines on what your boundaries are!.!.!.how you feel something should be yourself

ethics are what "generalized society" has decided is right and wrong,and what "the vast majority" believes on a particular subjectWww@QuestionHome@Com

when I think of morals!.!.!. I think of an end of a story when they say!.!.!. the moral of the story!.!.!. moral understanding from a lesson learned ie: experience!.!.!.

ethics seem to be people trying to learn before experiencing the harm done by an action!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ethics explore WHAT akes certain actions right or wrong and WHY we think those actions are right/wrong!. Its the study of moral attitudes and the process by which human beings make decisions to ACT morally or immorallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Morals are more self rules ethics are more rules set by societyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, they are the same word in two different languages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Morals are your personal beliefs!.!.!.Ethics is what society has set as guidelines of morals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


ethics is a system of moral principles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com