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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the best reason for believing what you do in regards to faith?

Question: What is the best reason for believing what you do in regards to faith!?
Whatever your beliefs are, what's your best reason for believing in god, etc!? Ok even if you're Buddhist, what is your best reason for believing what you do!? So yeah doesn't matter what your religious/spiritual background is, I just want to know!.!.!.!.k thx =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe in what I believe in because it makes the most sense to me!. also I believe that there are many paths to the same destination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientific method of experimentation has revealed to me that the Faith of a Jedi Knight is justified!. Because it works!.

"You must learn the ways of The Force!."

Study Kabbalah!. Look around at your fellow humans and see movie "Matrix"!. Go to the book store and buy books by Alan Watts!. "The Wisdom of Insecurity"!.

Walk the old West like Grasshopper, searching for family!.

Then you will have learned!. "When you can snatch the pebble from my hand it will be time for you to go!."

But to answer your question directly, I have faith because it works!. It's a usable thing!. A usable pre-energy source!. The Creator, which is unfathomable to us, but which Power we can use!. I ask and this Force we call God delivers!. It's kind of impersonal, in the Old Testament it says "God is no respecter of persons"!. This is true!. The good and the evil can use this Force!. God doesn't care, his energy is free to all!.

So tread lightly, Pride is your enemy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

top of knowledge is to know God is One and Only,

holy quran invite us to ponder over His creation around us and in us which point to His existence,

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if you wish to exchange neoemmy@yahoo!.frWww@QuestionHome@Com

Everything beside us and all what is happening in the world is best reasonWww@QuestionHome@Com