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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of this thought?

Question: What do you think of this thought!?
This is my responce to kelly p's Answer/Question "I appreciate Buddhism's approach to this!. Can you tell me, are there other states of being or emotions that are similar to this, as in, not of our true nature!? What about joy and more positive emotions!?!?" on my last question here on R&S http://uk!.answers!.yahoo!.com/question/ind!.!.!.
Their is no I, me mine!.
their is nothing personal, only that which is!.
conventionally their is a self, but ultimately their is no self, just a ever changing flux of thoughts feelings, moods, and emotions which bring about the arising of the world we see!.
What do you think of this!?
Do you think this is correct!? Why!?
As always I ask this question with Metta/Loving Kindness
(((((May truth Prevail)))))
Thank-you for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We really haven't got this miraculous 'true nature', which is a good 'legal' defence but little else!.
It is similar to the idea: 'oh God what have I done! No!.!.!. no wait this wasn't my true nature - the devil made me do it! Now I'll just go to confession and wash off all this nasty temptation the devil has inflicted me with and all will be fine!'

A poor mentality but with incentive strong enough that most major religions are based upon it!

We are indeed an everchanging flux of thought, but what defines our consciousness (and this concept requires nothing so desperate as a 'self', which is more akin to what theists call the 'soul') is that we have a degree of control (free will if you will), and to that degree can do as we see fit, unhampered by what is worldly!.

In such a context I would take into account the three aspects of reality(dhukka, anithya, anaathma) that present themselves so simply before me and seek the absolution, the enlightenment that will make the misery go away!.
There is that problem of misery(dhukka) and what I seek is a solution, the only absolute truths I require are the algorithm of a solution(i!.e- the four noble truths)!.

Such is the view of theravada Buddhism!. Such is MY view!. I am not fond of discussing these matters as there is nothing to discuss, but I have tried my hand at presenting my ideals!.
You need not agree with me, Zen Buddhism (are you a Zen Buddhist!? A mahayana Buddhist!?) is a life precept and it works in discipline(as per the 'About temper!?' question) but not in my quest for truth!. While I cannot force understanding upon people, I have atleast done my part in illustrating how the true power is within and not with some supernatural entity that can take all your faults away; simply by answering!.

Thank you for the oppurtunity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya meditation, is a state of being, where if its not tantric im pretty sure it positive and joyous emotions, which are not experienced in normal walking conditions!.
and what you're referring to about there is no I, me or mine!.!. that comes from hinduism, which states that nothing is everlasting, only soul is everlasting, we were born without personal things, we will die without personal things, came alone die alone!.!.and changing flux of thoughts and emotions are simply projections of our thoughts and emotions which we unconsciously throw out, and they reflect in accordance, because thats the law of reciprocality in nature!. what we are, is what we see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that your theory is quite probable but every other theory is just as probable!. No matter how much sense it makes, there is no evidence to prove it and so it is just as probable as any other theory devised by mankind!.

"objects are illusions, possessions are mere visions"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it is correct because:
I agree with the "everchanging flux of thoughts, feelings, etc" but not that there is no I, me, mine!. I think each of us is here to care for our individual, so the I me mine is our jump into the flux, if you will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It seems a reasonable conclusion when you consider where does the border that is self begin that separates self from all the rest of existence, one who considers this will realize that the border is only in the mind and not in reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

contradictions contradict!.

single issue springs multiply views!.

how bore can i get, if the world comprise only my view!.

love you all for your contributes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your mind is full of words

For many of your questions I struggle to find an answer, as answers are themselves confined to wordsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Can you clarify the question!?


OK, I think it's non-sense!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I think so - I read Alan Watts - the great taboo of knowing who you really are - (out of print) - it's my favourite book !. He writes about this very easily and in a way that makes it understandable!.

It is true I think my partner was also influenced by Gilbert Ryle and for a while we stopped using personal prepositions and constructed our sentences to each other as verbs - Like instead of do you love me!? - Lovingness!?

I don't know if its true really but behaving as if it is true certainly brings more peace and compassion!.

I use 'I' now because I am part of a multiplicity that isn't recognized - I do it for others because they silently ask for it!. It is difficult to hang on to multplicity - its definitely a firecely singtiple world out there in the U!.KWww@QuestionHome@Com

Please don't take this the wrong way, but you mentioned something about temper in your last question, and now you have asked something totally calm in this question!. I think there is a little mania going on here!.

I appreciate the loving kindness that comes with your question!.

I agree whole-heartedly to the I, me, mine theory!. If we all sat down right now (the entire human race) and meditated towards peace and love, there would be a profound change in the state of the world as we know it!.

Human beings are too attached to their material possessions!. Our job here is to releave suffering!.

I read something by Buddha that said you must not attach yourself to anything too much, but to keep your thought light!. Once I did this, my depression (which is supposed to be chemical in nature) has lifted!. Worrying thoughts about anything happening to my son do not trouble me any more!.

This life is temporary!. It does not matter how much wealth, or material things you have -You cannot take it with you!. But you can take the love and knowledge you have acquired!.

This world is heading towards a dark place!. We feed into this negativity--myself included, guilty here--and bring others down with us!.

Ever see a family get dragged into the mud because of an alcoholic father, a bipolar mother!.

Buddha was right!. Center yourself!. Do not allow yourself to be overcome with emotions!. Help others to releave (sp!?)their suffering!.

Donate your household things that you do not need to charity!. Plant a garden, we all should be doing this now-recession remember, and share that food with others!. I have sold all my jewelry and donated the money to charity!. I cannot tell you how much this has changed me!.

Calm and Peace to you all!.

Thanks for the deep and spiritual question!Www@QuestionHome@Com