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Position:Home>Philosophy> What other explanations are there for intelligent Life aside from Creationism an

Question: What other explanations are there for intelligent Life aside from Creationism and Evolution!?
Either a God or higher intelligence created us, or we Evolved over billions of years!.!.!. or what else!? what other reasonable explanations are there for intelligent life on Earth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i don;t know the answer,but it never occurred to me that their could be other options!.you;ve got me a thinkin,uh oh me thinking ,i smell rubber burning!.lol!.but ty for the interesting question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could have a creationist model in which a lesser intelligent being creates us (similar to the model depicted in Terminator - humans, not an omnipotent being, created the life form)
Then of course you have the space alien seeding proposal!.

On the evolution side, there are many models that provide for sudden starts and stops, rather than the gradual model generally accepted!.

There is a model of purely randomness, in which our current lifeforms are a direct result of random formation and not an indirect form of random + evolution!.

Potentially, we are a model of de-evolution, having degraded from higher beings into human form (perhaps that's where the angel myths and "paradise lost"concepts originated)Www@QuestionHome@Com

According to ancient Sumerian tablets we were evolving and had gotten to a sort of hairy ape stage, but we weren't too bright when we had visitors from another planet!.
These visitors genetically engineered the apelike creatures with their alien dna and made humans!.
They taught us many things, which were recorded on the clay tablets, such as the number of planets in our Solar system and what their surface conditions were!. Things we have only recently discovered for ourselves!.
They are called the Annunaki, the Watchers and the Nephilim in Genesis in the Bible!.
Where they got their intelligence is unknown, but they passed it on to us!.
You can read Zecheriah Sitchen to find out more!. I recommend studying the Bible as an historical document, also, but don't take the Bible seriously unless you read the lost books of the time also!.
The Bible was written by the people who hated and killed Jesus, so most of the good stuff was left out!.
Really, aliens, UFOs, religeon, history and genetics are all one subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No offence to you as the asker, but is there going to be any other outcome than a bunch of creationist, UFO-watching maniacs who thumb down every reasonable answer and write four paragraphs of nonsense as their own answer!?
Philosophy should be for philosophy questions, not semi-religious claptrap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not a blend of the two!? God created the universe according to specific laws, then let it go!. Occasionally He might tweak something a little bit here or there, but always within the natural laws He set up!. He helps evolution along, but He doesn't circumvent it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More than likely some super advanced intelligence was here, started all this and then left for us to figure it out!. That there are or is any trace of them simply put is in the eye of the beholder!. I know of very few scientist who will attribute their discovery to just a simple "aha" moment but more to a long drawn out and arduous learning process that entails "hope" and things like that and they all mostly attribute it to some higher activity that they are lucky enough to be in tune to somewhat even if barely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think there is another more 'reasonable' explanation than evolution!. Creationism is not reasonable at all and other suggestions verge on the insane!.
Alternatives to evolution can never shown up as 'impossible', but they rank high in the 'improbable' stakes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reasonable or not extraterrestrial creation could be the answer !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We could be living in the twilight zone, where we are not actually living, we are just being looked in on and we dont know it!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why does there need to be a reason!? We are just here as a result of many random occurrences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com