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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your discription of what a soul mate is?

Question: What is your discription of what a soul mate is!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The person who makes you feel whole!.
You are there for each other whatever!.
You hate being apart but your separateness makes you better together!.
You feel you have known them forever!.
My partner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most accurate idea over it is initially from Hindu mysticism!. Souls were created in pairs, and any two souls in such a pair are called soul mates!. At the times of their simultaneous creations, the souls were perfect, just like we still are at that level of our being!. We only find our soul mates when we have again rather perfected ourselves in this world!. That means that when we learn to bring out our innermost soul qualities in this world, we are in a position to find our soul mates, as long as that soul mate has also reached that point!. After all, we do in fact attract people of similar vibration!. Until both members in pair (soulmates) are both sending out nearly untainted soul vibrations, they have a lot of trouble finding each other!.

Soul friends are a different matter!. Just like with the idea of soul mates, here again you must pretty much buy into the idea of reincarnation of the soul into physical bodies!. Soul fridends are those of similar vibration across many lifetimes!. They draw together and find each other, and they feel like they've known each other before!. They again influence each other considerably, and so again they grow similarly, and thereby evolve together, keeping their overall vibrations similar enough to find each other again in another life!. They are not to be confused with soul mates!. Finding someone you feel great with is not the same as finding your soul mate by any means!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some one who can start or end a sentence for you and be right!. Some one how is stimulating to your every sense and mental state!. Some one that makes and enjoys growing with you!. Some one who shares your sense of morality and commitment!. Some one that is creative and productive for us and the community!. Some one you can't wait to see even after 25 years or more of marriage!.

Unfortunately I have none of the qualities in my current marriage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no idea!.
I thought I saw one but

most probably, oh no, I definitely was mistaken to consider someone else my soul mate through likeliness (!?)
There is of less importance any, even a "soul mate" when there is no LOVE, true love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe you know it when you first meet them!. Time stops and nothing else exist but the two of you!. It is like your souls have been looking for each other and are shocked and excited when they finally meet again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.one who "gets" who you really are and you "get" them!.!.!.and, shortcomings are more easily overlooked and become less important!.!.!.sharing and caring is mutually understoodWww@QuestionHome@Com

One who keeps their ears open heart listening and mouth shut!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

never have met one so i would not know and never shall i know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

someo thing we made up in our mind after we learned how to speak to other peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com