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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think truly sad music has to be made by truly sad individuals? Or Angry m

Question: Do you think truly sad music has to be made by truly sad individuals!? Or Angry music is made by angry people!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I think this is true!. Thats what music is all about, translating your feelings into sounds!. Sad individuals do make sad music, angry individuals do make angry music, happy individuals make happy music!. Superficial individuals, make superficial music (theres alot out there right now)!.

However, the best music I think, happens when someone is suffering in some way and actually has something they REALLY want to express to the world or the music itself sooths them!. Thats the best kind of music, music that is almost so personal that you feel like you are intruding into a persons most intimate life moments just by listening to it!. It's very hard to fake this kind of emotion in music!. I love music!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. Sad music I believe is made by Sad people, but not the angry music to "angry people"

The most passive man on earth can make "angry music (and he probably did) because it doesn't take much!.Why!? because most people can't tell if this "angry song" actually has feeling!.

So yes to the first question and no to the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that music, or actually good music, comes from ones emotions!. like someone who writes sad music may not be sad person but may be sad at the time!. for example the song slim anus by ICP was writen because eminim was talkin junk to them so they did the same but put it in a songWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It's an art form!. You could make an angry painting while thinking it is funny!. Once I wrote a poem in accordance with Poe's Philosophy of Composition!. It came out so sad that people who heard it thought I'd just lost a loved one!. They consoled me, but I merely had written the poem in accordance with a formula!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a really interesting question! Follow the link below to listen to a program that takes a crack and answering it! The entire program is really interesting but the segment that tackles your question is called Sound as Touch!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

True music comes from the heart and is a reflection of the thoughts and feeling you may have at the time!. Blues are not only a musicical form but an emotion!. Anyone can compose notes and words that seem to show feelings, but true heart felt music can be easily sighted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they have to be able to tap into that 'side' of themselves~ not necessarily be sad or filled with rage at the time they're writing, but to have felt it and remember how it felt, and then let it out!.

Great Q!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not necessarily!. Certainly in some, even many cases, but I think a lot of the time it also has to do with either imaginitive ability, or harnessing certain memories and emotions and pulling the words out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By focusing on music that is true, yes, you are correct!. Without personal experience of transcending understanding, it is just second-tier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Not sure, but it certainly helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mostly i think!. people write, draw influence and perform things they know about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
