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Question: Question (philosophy)!?
ok so has there been a time when you felt that you were going crazy!?!?

for example, ive had this thought in my mind for 3 years i think about it all the time!.!.!.!.

its about a person that i met 3 years ago, met him just once!.!.!.we have not seen eachother since!.!.!.!.!. i cant forget about him!.!.!.!.ive done everything and anything to forget about him!.!.!.its driving me crazy!.!.!.its been 3 years, there is no way that we could ever meet again, ive lost all contacts i dont even know where he is !.!.!.!.!.i think im going crazy what do you guys think!?!?

I like to think that im an intellegent person, i have completed 3 degrees, and im well on my way to pursue my 4th degree in medicine i feel as tho i have the ability to rationlize and think logically but in this case i feel like an idiotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was probably a combination of your state of mind at the time and a physical attraction!. If you for some reason had an ideal man in your mind and he came to your attention at just the right time you may have imposed your version of the ideal man onto him and forever linked that connection in your memory!. Similar situation happened to me until I actually got to know the person sometime later and the legs came off of the pedistal I had placed her on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could be a combination of things!.!. the knowledge that you'll probably never see him again makes you want to and perhaps, if you believe in love at first sight, he may be the one so to speak

ok!.!. sorry lol its not love then clearly!.!. =D
The ability to rationalise does not mean you'll always be rational, we often do things not in our best interests that could be perceived as completely irrational!.

p!.s!. shouldn't this be in singles and dating!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

question one!.!.!.!.!.Yes sometimes;

question example!.!.!.!.!. for some reason you met this guy and
i do not belive that being hung up on him is it; but perhaps this guy
was the aspect of somethings that you wanted, so in that perhaps
you should keep your eyes open for you never know who is around
that crossroads!.!.!.

good luck;

you've done efd up cuz it sounds you're addicted to this guyWww@QuestionHome@Com

maybe you're in love with this guy that's why you won't forget himWww@QuestionHome@Com