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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe everything you see is all there is?

Question: Do you believe everything you see is all there is!?
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no!. none of this is even real!. its a holographic reality created by our minds!. our minds!. not our brains!. atoms are not solid, thats a fact!. they cant be, and therefore matter can really exist !. your mind is part of a hivemind which is infinite consiousness, love, energy!. the spectrum of all energy- the elctromagnetic spectrum, is made of xrays and gamma rays and others, and whats weird is that only a tiny fraction of the spectrum is visible to us!. there is so much around us that we cant percieve, radio waves for example, cant be heard until their decoded by a radio!. our bodies, the vehicles through which our minds are experiencing this reality, are decoders of information!. look at the way dna is shaped- like an antenna!. wea re decoding signals and making reality!. you only use a small portion of your brain, but its there for something!. what im getting at is that we are all one!. our individual bodies represent droplets of water that make up an ocean of conciousness at the mind level!. you never really die, no one does!. the body dies, and then you realize that youre energy, just like everything is!. its true that killers and such wont be punished, they wont go to a hell!. you wont go to a heaven in the clouds if you obey the bible!. everyone is the ocean, not the droplet!. infinite knowledge and love is what death achieves!. that is not to say that this "reality" isnt important!. life is amazing, especially when you realize that your thoughts, your actions, create your reality!. at the subconsciouss level we are helping to create this "matrix"we live in!. thats how powerful we are!. two emotions: fear and love!. everything else comes out of that!. dont let fear run your life!. love those that dont deserve it!. you dont have to advertise it, just live it!. realize that some people in this world are cut off from who they really are!. society has a way of convincing us that we're alone, we're droplets, and we have no power!. some bodys you see walking around are just reacting biological forms!. they act on the bodys instict, and this is what "evil" is all about!. murders dont have uses of certain parts of the brain, and this cuts them off even more!. just dont be hateful, dont be fearful, know that you are, what we all are- eternal!. know it! you already know it, but its buried under your life of indoctrination!. remember, we can only percieve a FRACTIONAL portion of the energy around us!. search for David Icke's videos on goolevid for a much more detailed explanationWww@QuestionHome@Com

The senses map reality onto our perceptions!. Thus our perceptions, enhanced through experiments, are a useful tool to determine the nature of reality, but they are fallible!. Any theory in conflict with our perceptions must reliably explain why our perceptions are off in a manner which is projectible in light of the best scientific theories!.

For example, we experience a world with galilean relativity!. In such a world, a person on a train moving 1 mile per hour who is walking at 1 mile per hour forward will be seen by a person on the ground to be going 2 miles per hour!. But Einstein showed that this perception is off!. Light always moves at the same speed no matter what the reference frame!. The fact that we don't see the world like this is explained by the fact that at the speeds we experience most of the time, the effect is too small to be noticed!. However, we would still be justified to doubt it if we had no experience!. Experiences with the Michelson-Morley experiment and other tests that have been performed are most naturally explained as justification that Einstein was right and our perceptions are wrong in this instance!.

There are many examples of things that have been found to exist that we haven't been able to see, such as the polarization property of light (we only see the color and intensity)!. There is evidence of exotic entities we cannot currently observe by any means, such gravitons, dark matter, dark energy, and even parallel universes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see radio waves!.!.!.but I know they exist because I hear the radio play!. I have never seen the wind but I have seen the effects of the wind!.!.trees bending, leaves moving, things damaged!. I have never been to China but I know it exists because I have seen actual evidence of it's existence and I have talked to people who have been there,--I would be totally ignorant to believe only what I actually see when I see actual evidence of their existenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

You must admit it is an enticing option: we can go a step further and say that things begin to exist only as we perceive them!. This way reality is utilitarian- as soon as something is outside one's perception it ceases to exist, even when we consider every conscious being reality would be much more finite in this sense!. It is of course the most egocentric of theories as well!. We necessarily run into questions about perception!. For all we know (in this case) perception may be an illusion and our reality goes on inside our heads with things existing and ceasing to as they come and go from our thoughts!.
Compare this with something like the Matrix!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If everything I see is all there is then there would be no way to answer this question!. I see the words I'm typing on this computer here, but I cannot see how they get from this place to a place form which you can see them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know that you did not mean that question the way it sounds!. I know this because you can not see a virus, a distant planet or many other things!. There are things to see that have not yet been discovered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've actually learned that most of what I see is NOT real!. And those things that are real and the most important, are not seen!.
In fact, God said, "Faith is the evidence of things unseen!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes I am a realist and I have come to the conclusion that I must hang on to what is real because anything else is a fantasy!. I hate fantasy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. And everything you see is not necessarily real!.

The veil is there for a reason!. Your little human mind could not comprehend ALL THAT IS!.

Mine neither!.!.!. :oPWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see ultraviolet light!.

There is evidence that it exists!.

My perception is limited!. My understanding is limited!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes everything you experience is real ,only if your real and this maybe not true !.like
xbvjfhfjkgvidfn can mean your awsome !.only if you think it means your awsome !.!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you focus on something you perceive the rest blurred, but you're still seeing it!. My answer is, therefore, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

interesting question!.
I'm going to have to say no!. because there's more than meets the eye!. man, there are things out there that even einstein wouldn't know about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not if a black cat is involved!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope there is always more that meets the eye!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



Nothing is what it seems, dear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Of course not!
Go Jesus! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com