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Question: Opposing Stem Cells!?!?
Ok, this is another question about stem cells but i'm making a debate about them and I'm on the Opp, saying that Stem cells is a bad idea!
Anyway i am looking for your inciteful answers!

***-Btw, All I can find on the internet Is that we shouldnt kill potential life, but these cells are sitting on a shelf somewhere, about to be thrown out, never to be life besides I don't feel that these 5 day old cells should be treated as humans!

I'd appreciate it if your answers were more about flaws in the system, something like that!.!.Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay!. In the interests of debate, there are probably a number of arguments you might use:

ECONOMIC!. Currently the number of diseases proven to be cured by stem cells is ZERO!. Tens of millions of government dollars have already been spent and probably orders of magnitude more private dollars to achieve this current nothing!. Even researchers concede that there is no guarantee that they will ever be able to produce a cure for anything no matter how much is spent!. Wouldn't it be better to use money for things we KNOW are productive!?

ETHICAL!. Even if the full promise of stem cells is achieved, it has the potential to greatly cheapen the value of human life!. If any physical damage can be quickly and easily repaired, won't people necessarily see violence as perfectly okay!? If soldiers can be put back on the line as fast as they are hurt, will wars ever end!? If the death rate drastically drops, won't the population of the planet necessarily drastically increase, spreading disease, famine, and lowering the quality of life far more than it is raised by these cures!?

LEGAL!. We are only now beginning to use DNA evidence as a powerful tool to catch and exonerate criminals!. But if we can reproduce tissue of any kind at will, we will not only lose these gains, but make the waters far muddier!. Can you imagine any criminal being able to add a 'skin' of living tissue over their own hands to replicate the fingerprints and DNA of a completely innocent person!? Stem cells could make it happen!. Would you want some psychotic to make a clone of you and do who-knows-what with it!? This might not even be illegal unless the law drastically changes!.

SOCIAL!. If we can clone smart people, where does that leave regular people!? If a company can produce perfect copies of their best worker, doesn't that put all their other workers in the unemployment line!? Since all medical treatment has a cost, might this not just tear society apart as wealthy people become young, healthy, and long-lived but poor people are victims of their own mortality!?

Of course, many of these implications depend greatly on how far stem cells can go and what you can do with them!. You will also note that they are to some degree contradictory - if it is a waste of time to research, they can hardly alter the entire scope of society as well!.

For the record, I am completely for stem cell research too!.!.!. I just believe in going to it with open eyes and being wary of the possible obstacles that may need to be overcome!. Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe sentience gives rights!. Fetuses don′t developp a nervous system before the 10th week!.
A big part of those pregnancies end naturally before the third month!.
the bible allowed abortion in some case, like when the wife had been unfaithful!.

If "potential life" has to be safeguarded, everitime a man "dated himself" he killed nearly 300!.000 potential lives!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's a good idea!.
Stem cell research could find cures to the world's most dangerous and threatening diseases!.

We all have to make sacrifices for the future of mankind!.

To Doctor Y:

Stem cell research is a fairly new type of study and deserves to be looked into!. Just because it has not currently been proven to cure disease, doesn't mean it can't be!. It will be some time before stem cell study will prove it's usefulness!. It's called Stem Cell "research" after all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The research so far is about 100% adult stem cells work, 0% fetal stem cells work!.

Differentiate between the two groups, and the ethical problem of killing human life is avoided!.

p!.s!. Even menstrual blood contains valuable stem cells, according to recent research!. Check out the article on http://www!.physorg!.com search bar or google for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How have humans and other animals survived for such a long time, millions possibly billions of years!? why is stem cell research the answer!?

I am not against it, or for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stem cell research works off of the idea of genetic determinism, which has been shown false!. Look up "Fluid Genome"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com