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Position:Home>Philosophy> What you think I am, Is not what I am?

Question: What you think I am, Is not what I am!?
Some users seam to know me, or think they know me, my practice, and what I know, or do not know!. Why is this!?
It has always Puzzled me how someone can think they know what another person is, when we only know what they let us know, see what they let us see, etc!. Over a period of time we may get to know someone better, and be able to predict what they would do in certain circumstances, but we still don't know them, as we are not them!.
What do you think, Do we actually know others, or do we only know our perception of them!?
As always I ask this with Metta!.
(((((May you Be Happy)))))Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What i think you are, is my opinion and mine aloneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Man has many different facets to his persona, and reveals himself according to the way he seeks to portray himself to the different people he meets and interacts with according the relationship he has or is cultivating with the same said!.

Man also tend to communicate on different levels with his peers and friends and is thereby construed in varying ways!.

In the workplace he is cool and professional, aloof and businesslike!. At home he is warm and approachable, caring and kind!. Toward his friends he is boisterous and rugged, and with his spouse romantic and loving!.!.!.

Some may make assumption pertaining to the character they think you appear to be, right or wrong, and yet at times good souls seem to reinvent themselves each day simply for the challenge and power to be able to do so !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people don't even know themselves very well, let alone propose to know anyone else!
I am not sure what makes you state that other users think they know you!? What makes you think that!? Is that not a bit presumptuous!? I don't know you and wouldn't even hint that I did!. All I know of you is in relation to the questions you ask and the replies you give!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your appearance might not be the real you, but it is interacting with others in the real world out here!. It is using your body and speaking for you -- at lease for the time you allow it!. That's the costs of deception -- unless it is effectively corrected you are responsible for what you appear to be!. Without the ability to control how others think of you, that sounds harsh but you do not exist in a vacuum!. That's the problem right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You haven't even mastered the basics, then!? Are you constantly acting everything out, as scripted by your mind to create an image, or persona of yourself!? Or do you act more impulsively, and less mechanically!?
Empathy, and an understanding of ourselves allows us to understand and know others very well!. Sometimes, better than they know themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know who you are!.
Maybe I could project some personality traits onto your avatar and style of question!. Maybe sometimes I can read between the lines!. That's mostly all we can do!.
Sometimes there's an incredible closeness between people and they move as one!. I mean whole crowds of them!.
We humans are more linked than is obvious!.
Separate cells in the one organism!. Your soul is the nucleus of you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe like you that we don't truly know the whole of a person!. we know what they let us see!.!.!. what they choose to share with us!.!.!. I person can have several friends and yet, each would paint a different picture of the same person!.!.!. is any of them wrong!? NO, they are all parts of the whole!.!.!. just different people seeing different aspects!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Far too deep for me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very very good question!!!!!!! I'm going ponder over it!

Thanks for that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

anyone fancy a pint!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

well I think you repeat yourself, youve asked this 3 times

b happy 2Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't even know myself!.!.!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

read all my best answers, you will know me 95%!. Still 5 % cant be known except to me and my CreatorWww@QuestionHome@Com