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Position:Home>Philosophy> No absolute truths?

Question: No absolute truths!?
Ok so basically I have too much time on my hands so I've been pondering the theory that anyone who says there is no absolute truths has in fact stated an absolute truth!.
This means there must be at least one absolute truth, which is itself another absolute truth, so therefore there are now 2 absolute truths!. That being an absolute truth as well means there are 3!.!. and so on!.!.
Sound absurd!? Can we arrive at another conclusion that doesn't involve us having to accept there are infinite absolute truths!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As future posthuman Archailect said this is skepticism at its extreme so the assumption that there are no absolute truths is a conclusion not an absolute truth!. to reach this conclusion an argument must be made this argument must start with an assumption!. The first assumption is either provided by a perception (which is not acceptable as truth at this level of skepticism otherwise it would prove that anything perceived is an absolute truth) or an abstract idea or assumption (which is the only way for a skeptic who relies only on the mind), in which case the abstract idea provided is in itself an absolute truth and can therefore never reach the conclusion that "There are no absolute truths" !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are no absolute truths means that nothing can be absolutely defined by itself!. I love the old one 2+2 always is 4 LMAO!. Its not!. Anyone who says this knows nothing about advanced mathematics (heard of the "let" statement!?)!. Are you sure you are alive!? How do you know for 100% certain!? We could be controlled by machines!.!.!.in a simulated dream world!.!.!.:)

nothing can exist by itself!. there is no up without down, no right without wrong!. everything has a comparison to something!. what does it mean to have a truth anyway!. a truth is simply something that is not an falsity!. neither can exist without the other!. and there is no inherent difference between the two!. what one believes is true another believes is false!.

I believe that there is a God!. Atheist do not!. Who is "right"!? The only answer is both and neither!. Depends on who you ask!. Of course, if you ask, the atheist are right, and of course if you ask, the theist are right!. Get the idea!? Truth and falsity are subjective, there is no surface difference between the two as defined!. There is a deep difference based on what belief system you have been indoctrinated into!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dear DOUCHEY i'm sorry to disappoint you

TRUE and FALSE (in Logics) apply to Propositions

"there is no absolute truths" is NOT a proposition, the same that "p sfiui sdf iusdf iuiuosd iouo" is NOT, 'cause it says NOTHING

want another !?
"ieruy + Hjii9" is NOT an Arithmetic Addition, 'cause they are NOT numbers

believe me, they should begin teaching Semiotics at least in Secondary Schools!. Sincerely yours!.!.!.

>>> edit

right ! much in a hurry, i supposed you spoke Math_Logics
which is not the sole copyrighter of TRUE and FALSEWww@QuestionHome@Com

I personally think that the statement "there are no absolute truths" could be true and false, given the duality in the quantum world, the laws of the universe may not be laws at all, rather probabilities!.
If this was the case then we'd need another kind of logic, something that hasn't been invented yet, to find the answer(s!?) to such questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Skepticism is the questioning of assumptions, accounts, and the world around us!. The most extreme form of skepticism, which is practiced by few today, is that there is no such thing as absolute knowledge--nothing that we can be absolutely sure of!.

This is easily refuted, however, by asking such a skeptic, "Do you know that to be true!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only true that i know is that there is no absolute true because we all have different points of views and can decided to take others opinions as true if we wish but they are just opinions that are nor true or false, but we decided which one we want to follow!. society follows opinions and opinions are called opinions because they are not true statements nor false but we can decided to whether believe them or not is just like believing our own lies when we know we are lying but are too blind to see that they are just lies so the universal true is only one and that is theres no absolute trues but only points of views guiding us to the life we want depending what lies are the best for our livesWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are absolute truths, they are the only kind of truths because if something is true only temporarily it isn't true!. And that's one of them!.
Others: Form follows thought!.
Forgiveness brings happiness!.
There are no victims in the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those who dig their feet into the ground over their existing no absolute truths, are posing an absolute anyway!.

"There are no absolutes!."
"Are you sure!?"
"Then what you just said is absolute, right!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there are no absolute truths than this statement cancels itself out, and therefore there are absolute truths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you alive or dead-that is an absolute truth!. Is your heart beating, does 2+2 = 4!.

God filled the earth with great treasures and many mysteries of faith!.

Absolute truths are part of both categories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well if someone stated that there is no absolute truth would be right b/c if that is an absolute truth then its not the truth that theres no absolute truth :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well saying there are no absolute truths isnt an absolute truth because there are absolute truths!. so the whole statement is out of whack!. some things are fact and somethings are not!. its that simple!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truth is not subjective!. It is absolute!.
Realizing that I am a simple mind, please consider this!.
A building is on fire, the fire alarm goes off and most people begin to exit the building!. However, some continue working and say, "I don't believe the building is on fire!."
Do you think the fire ceases to exist just because some choose not to believe it is there!? Of course not! They will
Do you really think you can believe something into or out of existence!? The bottom line is this, our belief or disbelief doesn't change reality!. So, the only thing worth believing in is the absolute Truth that Jesus is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life!. And no man comes to the Father, but by Him!." You can believe the Truth or you can sit there and burn!.
It's your choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com