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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you ever have detached attachment?

Question: Can you ever have detached attachment!?
Can you have a detached attachment to someone or something!? Or do they cancel each other out!. Thoughts and views appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, like what is happening to me right now!. I am far from my home country, my friends, my comfort zone, but still my love for them is still strong as before!. I am detached physically, but emotionally I am (attached) with them!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess I would say that the words themself are nonsensical - in that you are linking together two things that are the total opposite of each other!. So, grammatically speaking, a "detached attachment" makes as much sense as a "positive negative" or a "atheistic theist" - as you say "they cancel each other out"

BUT!.!.!. The human mind is a vibrant thing, and sometimes it conjures feelings and images which are beyond our language's ability to categorize, so we cobble together a new word or phrase and limp on - like "love-hate relationship" or "passive-aggressive!." As with "detached attachment," these words are nonsensical in themselves, but we accept them as valid expressions by which we identify and communicate an experience many individuals have shared!.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that if this is the phrase that best describes whatever it is you're feeling, then I guess there is such a thing as a "detached attachment" - Good luck on trying to get that phrase into the dictionary!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the events and circumstances!. Say for an example the nurse of Dallas hospital was liked when had gone for the courtesy visit to hospital to see the friend!. But when I fall sick and hospitalized , the same nurse taken utmost care like a mother cares for his kids!. So affection generated for her and turned into love for her!. Similarly if someone expressed good gesture even in the flight while travelling or co-worker helps in work in curcial stage or someone helps to our family during emergency attracts our soft corner and generates attachment!.
But if the same person perform some deeds beyond our imagination or thoughts , its get detached from likelihood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The art of living well and truly freely, is to be an integrated part of the world about you, in tuned with hearts and minds, whilst filtering what you possess not the capability to remedy, and remaining detached and above worldly wiles and woes!.

Self absorption with a fine tuned spiritual consciousness!.!.

Badly explained but if it seems confusing file it away, and read later in a calmer frame of mind, and it may make better sense!.

Peace Upon You !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you mean detached love!. That is possible!. A sort of unconditional love, not a possessive one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

InItially she was really attached to me but now she was fully detached!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. In death, the soul separates from the body from which it was attached!.Www@QuestionHome@Com