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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you were given the choice to change one decision in your past that you have c

Question: If you were given the choice to change one decision in your past that you have come to regret,!?
would you do it even if it meant everything else that happened between the point you changed and the present would be irrevocably changed as well!? Would you take the chance to change that one regret even though you have no way of knowing the consequences!? What if you knew up front there could be no "take backs" would you still do it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In life, every single decision irrespective of you feeling it good and bad is responsible in what you are today and what you have today!. Change in any of those decision could affect your life drastically in an unimaginable way and you might be ending up as something worse from what you imagined it to be!. Hence, in the prespective of changing your life, dont even think about changing the past!.

I would however do it as i am an avid extremist who likes thrill and seeks danger!. I would do it for the sheer pleasure of seeing the impact and for the change in life, for good or bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If now in the present i am living good even with the errors i did in the past!.!.!.!. no, i will not change one wrong decision i made in the past!.
If i am having a pleasant present, why complicate my future with something i overcame already!.Www@QuestionHome@Com