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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe there is a heaven?

Question: Do you believe there is a heaven!?
Do you think there is a life after death!? What happens!? Heaven!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, it is there!. But, not somewhere in universe!. But, on the lap of mother!. On the small smile of friends, neighbours, etc!.,!. showing the expression of being!.
There is heaven, but not after deathWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. How could everyone who ever lived be in this 'place' or even their own 'special' place!? It doesn't make sense!. And without a body or life wouldn't it be incredibly boring!?

I like to believe in life after death in the form of reincarnation!. When you think logically about how everything in nature is resourceful, water rising as steam to form clouds that rain, bodies and organic matter decaying to enrich soil etc!.!.!.!.the cycles of life!.!.!.!.!.it makes sense that that spark that creates life in the womb comes from somewhere!. Not the memories of the 'previous life' but just the essence that gives life, the soul if you like, is re-used!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and no!. Heaven belongs to the very Present (Eternity) You 'll never reach heaven after death if you are not already living in heaven right now!.(Mt!.25, 29)
The problem with unbelievers is that they can't see Nature the way children do, therefore, they see no Heaven!.
I'll put it clearer: Time depends on the beholder (remember Einstein!?) If you are unable to see (vision depends on analogies, if you can't tend a bridge between a physical system (a tree, for instance) and a language (a psychical system) you are actually blind, no matter how healthy your eyes are!. You can see the tree and ignore as well its role within THE SYSTEM (Cosmos), and therefore, in you (microcosm)!. You understand NOTHING BECAUSE NATURE IS A PARABLE!.(Mt 13,13)
Now!.!. what can unbelievers do with evident coincidences (analogies)but depict them!? Their own proud condemns them to reject any other wise thinking but THEIRS!.!.!.
Let's go back to the tree/language parallel!. Both have roots/hidden motivations, Trunk/weak or strong doctrine, branches/short or long phrases, leaves/words, flowers/ideas, fruits/conclusions!. A tree works in the same way a language does but they don't see it!. They reinforce the division creating two sciences: Botany and Literature and deny any possible linking!.
Another analogy (a "coincidence" for unbelievers): a human body/a human society, but this 's come too far for Q &A: e-mail me for furthermore light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Heaven is a place where my soul will find at last the place to rest!. Where I will be in peace with myself, when I will not have already present the outcomes of everyday life!.

This place full of freshness will permit myself to see others with the light of kindness!

My mother, my father, my sisters, all those neighbors, that teacher that once reprimanded me!.!.!.and that son that left home!.

When he was very young!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Heaven!? I do not know but the question I find in itself is the answer You cannot have a answer to an unprovable question!. The fact is you are not dead you are alive and you cannot know!. Of course that is where faith comes in it is not knowing but trusting!. But like wise if there is a way to heaven and a way to hell would you like to find out to prevent such hell!? If so then you must go on a spiritual journey!.
With PeaceWww@QuestionHome@Com

to be honest, i really really don't know but on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest belief it would be some where around a 4, its not because i have been thought alot, but because i believe heaven and hell are here on earth!

Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see no evidence of an after life!. Heaven and Hell are so childish it is amazing that anyone believes in them!. They are just incentives to attend church and pay preachers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe there is a Heaven, that there is another life that has no evil or tenptation!. Like a reward for surviving here!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

think about it logically its not true when you die you cant think, move or talk and your body turns to well!? soil (Christians don't read this anwser)Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, its just not a logical, rational belief!. dust to dust sums it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no i dont believe in heaven and hell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Live in the now!. That's the only thing you can be sure of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what you are: a believer or an unbeliever!Www@QuestionHome@Com

there,s no way of knowing while ur alive that i;ve ever found,but i hope so!.maybe i;ll see you there if i;m lucky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com