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Position:Home>Philosophy> My Theory 2 ... ??!!?

Question: My Theory 2 !.!.!. !?!?!!!?
10 years ago I made a discovery that snakes were precisely the opposite to man in everything - that is, both - anatomically [functionally] and Behaviorally!.
As an acute Kinesiologist, I spent the next 9 years working through the evidence and work on snakes of 'natural scientists', and was able to confirm my findings on every single front!.

This of course, would basically disprove evolution of the species - particularly the aspect of unguided random mutation!

To me, it would also signify the genius of a deliberating Mastermind Creator who had his reasons for making these 2 opposite like this!.

The other question on my mind is:

Do you think that this unique, yet simple, discovery proves the Biblical account of Adam & Eve, wherein it was the very serpent, in fact, that chose to lead Man opposite God, and that when God cursed it, He caused that the changes should epitomize the very opposition that it had shown to God in Man in both - very structure & fundamental behavior!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I wish I could spend ten years of my life on a wacky theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, you offer only your opinion, not solid evidence!. So, no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


This is a new one!. I haven't read this attempt to refute reality but I give you literary credit for originality!.

I should point out that what you have here does not qualify as!.!.!."theory"

Theories have specific requirements and you might want to familiarize yourself with them to avoid such scoldings!.

It is perfectly fine to like our own ideas; I like mine, we all do!.

It is not a good idea to confuse our mental meanderings with anything relevant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really, it shows evolution spouts off in very different directions in a chaotic random bizzare way!.

No it doesn't prove the bible right, this is the whole problem with intelligent design, it doesn't set out to create it's own theory with evidence it just picks holes in the theory of evolution!. Which is a ridiculous thing to do if you want to create a cohesive scientific theory (because it is religion masquerading as science)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I figure the easiest way to get the best answer points is to just say "You're right!." Right!?!.!.!. Yeah!.!.!. Ehem!.!.!. You're right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com