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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think about this philosophical formula I've created?

Question: What do you think about this philosophical formula I've created!?
EDL + I = Philosophy

-EDL = Every Day Life
-I = Intelligence
-Philosophy = Philosophy; of course

I don't think philosophy is more than life and intelligence!. Even though we all are living, but that doesn't mean that we all have the same intelligence!. We all do think differently, live differently, and believe differently!. So, a genius may be smarter than someone who live in Africa, but that doesn't mean that he know more about life!. He sure know a lot, but their philosophy are pretty much equal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your description is the state of man before the pre-Socratics invented philosophy!.

That invention was the last time man went through a process of evolution!. But that evolution was totally psychological, not physical, as all the other evolutions had been!.

This evolution changed our specie's name from "Homo sapiens" to "Homo sapiens sapiens!." The double "sapiens" means "consciousness of consciousness!." But "sapient" means capable of passing on knowledge, so it actually means knowledge of the fact that we have knowledge!. It is this element of our specie's existence that allows us to build upon what other men in the past have learned!. It is the lack of sapience that prevents other primates from adding knowledge to knowledge and thus keeps them in what Loren Eiseley calls the "eternal present," the idea that each generation of such animals will be psychologically or mentally just like that last one, and will never know the difference!.

The discovery of Philosophy was an astounding evolution in the mind and development of Man!.

If you wish to believe in your theory, you would have us all living in the pre-pre-Socratic age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very cool, I like your formula!. it works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree 100% With your philosophy!.!.!.Blessings YahooWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd like to make distinction between functional philosophy and academic philosophy here!.

Functional philosophy is the view of life you hold that makes up how you approach the world!. This i would say is:
EDL + I + Ability for Introspection = philosophy --- without the ability to apply your inteligence your experience, it won't become philosophical!. There are many smart people who don't look at their own experience and deduce conclusions!.

Academic philosophy is way more complicated!.!.!. I'm not sure I could even come up with a formula!. It would include reading, education, formal logic, intelligence, experiential data, hours of thought, criticisms, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't agree with that as an acceptable formula!. At first glance, it appears like a good formula!. But the formula makes too many assumptions to be concrete!.

Is someones genetic disposition included in everyday life, or does it contribute to intelligence!? Does someone have to lead a peaceful life to decide that murder is unacceptable!?

Where, and why, does one find a certain philosophical outlook!. How do you define "intelligence"!. Does everyday life, and intelligence really include all possible outcomes that result in philosophy!? Should such general terms even be used to create a formula for such a great thing as philosophy!?

For me, philosophy is too complex, and the content too intangible, to be constrained to any formula!. One could just as easily put forth a formula stating that Philosophy = Thought!. To put it in such simple terms is a disservice to that which seeks to Define Define DefineWww@QuestionHome@Com