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Position:Home>Philosophy> How does philosophy helps us as living in this world?

Question: How does philosophy helps us as living in this world!?
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philosophy simply makes the human mind see from different perspectives when it comes to viewing life and its mind bending situations!.
it helps us understand the complicated world around us, in a simple and pure way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosopy gives us some focus!. Without it we would wander through life aimlessly (not to mention sociopathically)!. Any time you make a moral desision, you are, at some small level, excersising your personal philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

philosophy gives us motivation and inspiration!. it helps us realize some things we wouldve never thought of!. I think its very importantWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I think philosophy arises from the realization that life really has no purpose!. I think philosophy, helps us by adding clarity, logic and meaning to an existence that is without clarity and meaning!. I think without philosophy we would be a lot more depressed and bored with life!. Thinking about the 'what ifs' and 'whys' of life is what makes us human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


i think Philosophy works against living functionallly witrhin our society

is looking at life and the world around you
from an abstract perspective

it is often introspective
and time consumming

it often
involoves a person trying
to pull their mind away from the tedium of day to day work
and create
in their minds
a holoistic perspective of reality


that is not
a good way to work productively in our society

living in this world
at present
living in this world

waking up in the morning
getting dressed
going to work
shopping for groceries
feeding the kids
checking the oil in the car

all that sort of non philosophical stuff of life

if your brain
is focussed
on the abstract notion of life as an anti-entopic system
the finer points
in the debate of
am i alive

then you may forget to check the oil in the car
or feed the dog


My Philosopher's name is JESUS!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.BLESSINGS YAHOOWww@QuestionHome@Com

it helps us keep things as they should be!. it is the philosophic minds that hold questionable subjects up to the light to see them for what they are, and try to make the changes if they are necessary!. it also give a meaning to or lives and the things in them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question was actually brought up by David Hume in his Enquiries of First Philosophy!. He stated that "nature always wins over philosophy!." What does this mean and why!? It means that philosophical principles hold true within "school settings", Hume says!. However, whenever we go out into the real world (nature) we tend not to follow these philosophical reasonings because they are inefficient!. Therefore, philosophy may somehow give us a little bit of insight into something in the real world, however we will never fully act upon it because it is not in our "nature" to do so!. As Hume stated, "Be a philosopher, but be a man!." This is the interaction between schooling philosophy and being a normal human acting in the real world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com