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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are taxes slavery?

Question: Are taxes slavery!?
I say yes!. If they take, say, 20% of our income in a year, that means that 20% of the time we spent working that year (over an entire month), we were working and the money earned went to someone else!. That is what slavery is, right!?

While we are free to be unemployed, is that really freedom if our choices are no income or partially confiscated income!?

I understand they (government) provide services, but they also waste a lot of money!. Carpet cleaners provide a service, but the difference is immense: We CHOOSE to pay for carpet cleaning!. If carpets were federally mandated, and we were forced to pay for carpet cleaning services, would that be slavery!?

Try to ignore whether taxes are good or bad, or the services we recieve in return!. Fundamentally, is forcing workers to work for no pay slavery!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
actually, it's closer to 30% of your income!.

We have to recognize something about the state; it is the stewart of the rights of its citizens!. This is a wholly necessary precation, as anarchy is a poor means of citizen governance!. Somalia, which fits many definitions of an anarchic state, was utterly helpless when the Janjaweed muslims invaded and began imposing religious tyranny over the masses, having to resort to Ethiopia's relatively sophisticated military to come to it's aid!. Lawless businesses tend to be violent and polarized, such as the illicit drug market, where turf wars are common and the common street vendor makes peanuts compared to those higher up the chain of command, due to the stifling of competition!.

With that in mind, a state is wholly necessary, thus we are left with two questions!.
1!. What are the parameters of state rule!?
2!. How do we properly fund the state so that it can abide by these parameters!.

In a truly moral society, A state is concerned solely with three things; domestic security (police), foreign security (military) and judicial arbitration for the settlement of disputes!. A government can collect revenues through a number of ways; a state lottery, court fees, tariffs, and of course, taxes!. I am not completely opposed to taxation in the same manner that I am not completely opposed to paying rent for my apartment and utilities for my power; taxation becomes a form of rent that a citizen pays in exchange for the proper stewardship of his rights!. It is a social contract; you enjoy the benefits of a lawful liberty-respecting society, or you are free to leave!. The most basic definition of a slave is that you are someone who is forbidden to leave your mandated station!.

Of course, before 1913 there was no permanent income tax, those were temporary fixes for emergencies such as war!. The state resorted to other means of producing income, and I am universally going to give them prescedent over income taxation!.

When the government starts branching out into other expenditures, such as subsidies, corporate welfare, foreign welfare, social welfare, medicare, etc, then yes, it does become an act of stealing!. I personally do not approve of them!. I do recognize that there are people who are enslaved to these services, so eliminating them would have to be a slow, painful process!.

The military, police, and courts!. These are the three things which I do not regard as wastefulWww@QuestionHome@Com

another formWww@QuestionHome@Com

Extortion!. "Pay or suffer!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

think about it like back in the 20s if you owned a mom and pop store and didn't pay the mafia they'd destroy your source of living, same sheet different azsholeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I did not vote for bush!.!.!.

This country is not cheap to run!. I like being able to call the fire department if I have a fire or call the cops if someone hurts me!. I got my paycheck today and made 400$ and brought home 298!. It hurts but in my opinion is worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

slavery might be considered as one having complete authority over another!.

social contract, on the other hand is, essentially, take it or leave it!.!.!. i!.e!. if you wish to live in our society you are, tacitly or not, agreeing to live by it's social codes including the laws of the land!. In return you are assured of certain rights!.

in other words you have a choice!.!.!. you just don't seem to be able to recognize that!. Fortunately you will be cared for by the society you live in whether you understand it or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com