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Position:Home>Philosophy> When you lose your cause or purpose, is time to commit suicide?

Question: When you lose your cause or purpose, is time to commit suicide!?
Samourai used to commit seppuku, which I think it's slicing your stomack, when they lose their cause, purpose or battles to save them from shame!.

It's a very painful way to die so I don't think it's necessarily cowardice!.

The thought behind is that it is not beautiful to hang around when you're business is already over!. It kind of makes sense!.

Do you think there is a honorable form of suicide!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not in western society cause you screw up the lives of those around you because we don't accept suicide in this way, in a more honour based society I think it is possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if person want to die he'll die!.
if not then it is a simple discussion and person trying to find the way out! So it is easier to ask for help then for !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's time to devise a new purpose, it's rather mechanical to think that you can only follow one rigid path!.
I don't accept pre-destined purposes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

qwell yea duh!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


it's time to find oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

These are 2 separate questions

1!. no one who is still breathing has completely lost his or her sense of purpose!. Even the woman who was on life support for years, and the subject of a right to life debate when the husband wanted to "pull the plug" served the purpose of having us debate the value of life!. Every life has a purpose!. Whether you see it or not is a different question!.

2!. Honor is in the mind of the beholder!. Usually honor is a cultural thing!. In my opinion however, (not necessarily a religious thing) suicide is a waste of life!. You never know what tomorrow will bring and what problems will be resolved, diseases cured, etc!. I like to live my life by a wait and see point of view!. I think the issue of cowardice is not about the way you die as it is the issue of checking out without fully standing up for your life!. Giving up is cowardly!.

I think if this is the way you are feeling you should talk to someone about it!. Seriously call 1800-SUICIDEWww@QuestionHome@Com

No it's time to see a therapist!. Then again if you really want to die please do becuase there are too many idiots on this Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, its time to find a new cause or purpose!.

As for your question about honorable suicide!. I would think that in very very limited circumstances yes, but I would prefer to call that self-sacrfice!. (for example putting yourself at risk and perhaps even dying to save someone else)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think all times are important & if we lose our purpose we might go through a time of confusion or stillness which might end up bringing us to a level where we find our purpose is even higher than before!. So sometimes we just have to trust that everything is in divine right order even if it doesn't appear that way!. A person's purpose could be to be the child of someone but they grow up & the person dies!. Those that mena they should die!? Of course not it means they probably are living another purpose they aren't aware of at that time for others!. Our purpose could be something we don't even know!. Right now my purpose in life is just to bring joy to myself!. I used to be told it had to do with helping others!. Maybe it was but that stopped along time ago & it wasn't working for me & I didn't read the signs!. I was getting sick & tired & in debt!. So I finally stopped & had to be quiet for a while so I could hear the voice that was saying "your purpose is joy"!. I could have died but I didn't & now I am fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess this would depend on whether or not you believe that you're only here for one main purpose!. Let's say, for example, that your entire life, you've just known that you were born to fight for, and honor your country!. You grow up, go to war, save a dozen lives, take a few, get a purple heart, the whole nine yards!. You get back home, and you feel this emptiness!. Your whole life, you've been living up to this dream, and now that it's fulfilled, there's no longer any real reason for you to be here!. This is the point at which you would ask yourself: Is there another purpose for my life, or have I already fulfilled every reason for being here!?

The problem is, the web of human relationships is such a complicated system that there is no possible way to determine who's life you'll intersect with!. Maybe you, the war hero, would spend the rest of your time here living a boring and pointless life, in which there is absolutely no point to your existance!. In this case, perhaps it would have been best to have died with your honor and dignity still strong!. But what if little Timmy who lives down the road from you goes outside one morning, after your war days, without his parents paying attention, and drops his kick ball in the street!. At five years old, he doesn't pay attention to traffic, and doesn't notice until the last second that there's an 18 wheeler with bad brakes barreling down the road, heading straight for him!. Maybe, if you're still alive, it's your job to go push him out of harms way!. But if you're not there, little Timmy's blood becomes fresh paint for the pavement!.

My point is simply this: You couldn't ever say for sure that you're purpose in life is or isn't fulfilled!. You just don't know if there's more than one reason for your existance!. The only way to be sure would be to have the ability to tell the future, which would lead to yet another endless philosophical debate as to whether or not fate is already set, or if you create it as you go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People who commit suicide program themselves to think that this is the only solution they have and they do not have a choice, which is not true!. When they think in such a way it's not the pain they are concerned about, but how they can escape from what they are going through, according to me this sort of thinking is very narrowminded and primitive, i rather not have such people arroundWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not everyone needs a cause or purpose to live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. That is time to seek "who am i" really and why I am here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com