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Position:Home>Philosophy> Stalin-ism: Is it philosophy? Please explain.?

Question: Stalin-ism: Is it philosophy!? Please explain!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This does not constitute philosophy:

"The collectivization of Soviet agriculture was achieved by means of a government-planned famine—planned and carried out deliberately to force peasants into collective farms; Soviet Russia’s enemies claim that fifteen million peasants died in that famine; the Soviet government admits the death of seven million!.

At the end of World War II, Soviet Russia’s enemies claimed that thirty million people were doing forced labor in Soviet concentration camps (and were dying of planned malnutrition, human lives being cheaper than food); Soviet Russia’s apologists admit to the figure of twelve million people!."
“What Is Capitalism!?” Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 34!.

Defenders of Stalinism and Communism have this to say about it:

"Stalinism is not so much a political tendency but the politics of a social stratum, together with those who are tied politically to that social stratum!. This stratum is the bureaucracy of the workers’ state!. "

So, it is not even a POLITICAL philosophy--it was a "bureaucracy" that allowed "Stalinists" to control millions of peasants and others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's more political ideology than philosophy!. Marxism itself, I believe, is both philosophy and political ideology!. As is Maoism!. Stalinism is too direct in its political approach to qualify as any philosophy but a political one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No - unless you consider the naked and brutal display of absolute power a form of philosophy!.!.!.

Marxist-Lenninism was the philosophical underpinning of Stalin's rule, but he didn't pay it much attention nor did he abide by it once he became the totaltarian dictator of the USSR!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com