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Position:Home>Philosophy> What to do when you feel as if your world is crumbling?

Question: What to do when you feel as if your world is crumbling!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Keep holding on and look forward to tomorrow!. Embrace your dreams, and no matter what, protect your honor!. There's an old samurai saying that applies to everyday life as well,

"We are never challenged with what we cannot handle"

Keep that in mind, and keep smiling!

Still feeling down!? email me! Nothing perverted, but I'm thinking of starting a video service for questions like these, and I'd like some feedback!

Hope this was helpful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm in the exact same position!. :/Www@QuestionHome@Com

you scrape yourself up and remind yourself that its really inconsequential to the rest of you life and it doesn't really matter, and that many people get through much worse, a pity party is not going to help!. get up off your butt and take back control, set a goal for yourself and put all your energy into it!. and p!.s!. highschool sucks, don't worry about it, those people weren't gonna be your friends in a couple years anywaysWww@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you need to listen to yourself for a while!.Sometimes everything can be a burden for you!.try to relax!.Do what you like!.Listen to loud music and sing your songs!.Dance in a crazy way!.Scream too loudly!.(preferably when alone!)Read books,go cycling!.I mean spare yourself some time!.Don't bother with daily problems and the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you have a traumatic experience that has cause these things to happen!? More than likely you are going through something and are trying to figure it out, and mean while people are getting in the way and are annoying to you!. Fix yourself fixed the problem!.
Good luck and feel better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WELCOME to teenage-hood!.!.your experiencing what almost EVERYONE does at some point in their teenaged years!.!.!.
Look at what you HAVE!.!.not at what you DON'T!.!.!.
Make a new circle of friends!.!.!.and vow to yourself to do something everyday that enriches you, and learn something new everyday!.!.!.it's a CHOICE my dear!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Volunteer at a homeless shelter and get over yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com