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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are we INDIRECTLY KILLING the animals that we eat?

Question: Are we INDIRECTLY KILLING the animals that we eat!?
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We are DIRECTLY responsible for the death of the animals that we eat!. It's not really a deep philosophical question it is really quite an obvious fact!. Just because did not physically gutt and kill your dinner, it doesn't mean you are any less responsible for it's death!. It is a market of supply and demand!. If you, as an individual part of the market purchase the meat, you are contributing to the demand for meat and therefore the death of an animal!.

And the "if we don't eat them some one else will" argument is nonsensical!. The whole argument is flawed!. Vegetarianism and veganism about supply and demand!. If you boycott meat consumption you will reduce the demand for meat, and in turn prevent animals being bred for meat!. When people say vegetarians 'save' 100 animals per year, they aren't saved in the sense that some body rescues them and they live happily ever after!. They are saved by preventing the need for the animals to be bred in the first place!. So by being vegetarian you prevent the unnecessary birth and cruel slaughter of about 100 animals!.

There is nothing *indirect* about this equation!. Eating meat directly results in the death of an animal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Technically, yes!.

That's the whole point of veganism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I fail to see how killing something and eating it is indirectly killing it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!?!?!?!?!? how can indirectly kill !?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd kill them directly but I don't have the time so I go to the store!Www@QuestionHome@Com

By demanding their meat, we are giving someone else the incentive to kill the animal!. So indirectly, you cause an animals death by eating it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No *rolls eyes*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Uh it is direct killing, nothing indirect about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why did you say "we" instead of "I"!? We're all killing "indirectly" when we eat flesh, of course!
But as the bumper sticker says, "If God didn't want us to eat meat, why does it taste so good!?"!?
Btw I don't believe in God, nor do I eat most meat if it isn't free-range!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. If no one ate animals or used animal products then those animals would not be killed!. If this is something that concerns you then you should consider becoming a vegetarian or vegan!. Change starts with yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes because they killed them for us to eat!.
And no because some people eat it just because it's there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe yes and no on this, if we don't eat it you think you're saving an animal but at the same time if you don't eat it someone else will!.

also in the wild that's how it works - animals eat each other, we're just another link in the chain!

I also think there is some goodness in meat that we need to keep healthy!.

I do not have anything against people not eating animals though - it's there choice and i do think in some restaurants there isn't enough vegetarian options - they will have 4 or 5 meat options and only one vegetarian option!. Places should have variety for everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.If everybody would agree not to eat them they wouldn't be farmed and killedWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Forgive them!. For the know not what they do!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. It is actually part of nature!. I know that it really hard for many people to understand!.

Question: Why do you give birth to and rear children!? What is your purpose in doing so!? I'm not implying you should eat them!.

Our dietary requirements are not at issue with regards to the reproduction of animals!.

What would people do if there were scientific proof that plants can feel pain!? How can we honestly prove that they don't!? Just because any apparatus for experiencing emotions that they might possess isn't like ours!?

People think dogs and cats, and other animals, cannot think and thus do not suffer as much as humans!. http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.
They believe this because they think that our ability to do advanced Mathematics gives us a greater capacity to suffer!.

This is obviously obsurd, but an attitude shared by many species-centric human beings!. Animals can suffer just as much as humans and even have the capacity to learn from their suffering!. Dogs, like some women, are stupid enough to stay with someone who beats them!. Do they suffer less!?

I have directly killed chickens in order to feed our family!. I see nothing wrong with this!. The chicken is hatched, it lives, then it dies!. I was born, I live, then I will die!. Maybe I will be a meal for the buzzards or a bear in the end!?

If you are going to kill something, make sure it is for food and that you use every part of it that you can - including the killing of plants!! Yes! You can kill plants, too!. They are indeed living creatures!. They may or may not feel pain!. They just lack the same equipment you have for doing so!.

(Collects more thumbs-downs from more people who cannot open-up their minds and think beyond what they've been told!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the animals we are indirectly killing are the ones who are displaced by the ranches and farms where our food animals are raised!. I think we are simply ordering the death of a cow when we buy a hamburger and a chicken for an order of buffalo wings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One who orders, one who kills, one who cuts the dead animals into pieces, one who sells, one who buys, one who cooks, one who serves and one who eats--all these eight are considered to be equal sinners!.

If we eat animals we are causing them to be killed,and are therefore are as responsible as the one who kills the animal, and have to suffer the consequences of the animal being killed!.

If most people where vegetarians there would be
no slaughter houses, and hardly any animals would be killed by humans!.

According to the vedas :

One who orders, one who kills, one who cuts the dead animals into pieces, one who sells, one who buys, one who cooks, one who serves and one who eats--all these eight are considered to be equal sinners!.


servant of the highest love

Of course!.

In fact, i would say that eating animals makes people DIRECTLY responsible for the death of the animals!.

why wouldn't it !? If people didn't buy the meat, the animals would not be reared or killed, farmers do not do it for the fun!.

Understandng the cause and effect, and this "DIRECT responsibility" is why many people choose to be vegetarian or vegan

"heatherceana" is missing the point that s/he has a choice, the Buzzard does not!. fortunately, some of us have moved beyond instinct and try to use our intellect and power over animals to improve thier future and not control, abuse and shorten it!.

And those that say its natural or its part of the food chain need to wake up a bit and look around them!. There is nothing natural about the modern meat production so you cannot claim on one hand its natural and yet on the other hand support than "natural act" in probably the most artificial food preparation in the whole industry

Things like "its natural", "god said", "canine teeth", "neandathols did it" , "our eyes face forward", "we need meat for health" etc, etc are all just excuses for people to absolve themselves of the decision to kill, or not to kill!.

Some can cope with the truth and decide its right to eat animals!. I've got far more respect for those people, they face up to thier impacts!. Those that try to use the lame excuses I just mentioned are kidding themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are wrong!. We are directly killing the poor animals through the contract killers!. I can see our own faces taking shelter behind the slaughterhouses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. The number of animals that are bred and slaughtered depends directly on the consumer demand for meat!.

The animals we eat are already dead when we buy meat!. But because of supply and demand, buying meat directly increases the number of animals that will have to suffer and die in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Call it 'supply and demand' - if there was no demand for something - there is no need for something - in this case meat!.

So I would say it is a direct correlation between vs!. just indirect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com