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Position:Home>Philosophy> Was there any POSITIVE SIDE TO NAZISM?

Question: Was there any POSITIVE SIDE TO NAZISM!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In spite of the terrible loss of human life and cruelty at their hands, the National Socialist Party (NAZI) did an amazing job rebuilding a completely bankrupt Germany!. In just less than 10 years their unemployment rate dropped nearly to zero (if you don't count the Jews) and they built the mightiest army with the most sophisticated weaponry in the history of the world!. They almost succeeded with their twisted dreams to exterminate the Jews and control the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Well, I'm not sure about Nazi Germany, but in Fascist Italy, they said that at least Mussolini made the trains run on time!. Actually the rise of National Socialism (the translation of the Acronym NAZI) did bring about an economic recovery to Germany, and restored a national pride that had been severly damaged in WW1!. The good that was accomplished, however, in no way balances out the atrocities that were committed, and the fact that a nation allowed a fanatical leader to embroil the whole earth in military conflict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not really!. nope!. it only promoted hate!. and **** you |B|B | !!! u anti semist prickWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!!!!!!! There is absolutely NOTHING positive about this topic! Nazis killed 11 million people and cause so much damage in our world!!!! Your questtion is a disgrace!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let me just start off by saying that I am not a NAZI and in fact very liberal!. However, I must say that even though Hitler and and everything Germany was trying to accomplish was cruel or extremely violent, it was genius!. For instance, the Germans developed many technologies in that time, mainly war-wise but still!. Hitler was a military genius, even though he was crazy and a cruel human being!. After the whole "incident" countries implemented laws that made sure that things like that never happened again!. I think that the only benefits were scientific research!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some Nazi soldiers wore uniforms designed by Hugo Boss!. I <3 Hugo Boss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the quintessential History lesson of all sorts of things that should never, never happen again!. That reasonable and educated people were willing to follow a leader suffering from bipolar disorder!. That factories were built for the sole purpose of murdering humans!. That unspeakable destruction was brought by those that simply followed orders, upon the declaration by a failed painter of racial supremacy!.

It can happen again, and in the thousands of years that await us, it probably will!. I think it was Churchill that said "For Evil to prevail, it is enough that a few good men look the other way!." In our time it is unlikely!. We looked Evil in the face, and want no more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


nicht ferstein! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com