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Position:Home>Philosophy> What can HUMANS LEARN with animals?

Question: What can HUMANS LEARN with animals!?
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Never break the rules of your society you live in!. also never trust a man who kills animals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm guessing 'animal life!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you treat an animal [ Dog ex!. ] from birth with kindness you get loyalty and affection from them !. Wild animals not so !.This can work with people in families and at the work place !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

humans are different from animals in that humans LIEWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well!. Humans are also a kind of animals!.So, whatever rules that apply to the other animals should apply to the humans also!. Would you agree!?
Just look at the animal kingdom around you and in great Tv channels like National geographic, animal kingdom etc!. Do we see any animal LEARNING from the other animals!? No!. All of them stick to their own way of life and lifestyle!. They adapt themselves to the environment and evolve!. I am yet to see a lion, killing 10 antelopes to store food for its need two days later!. Every animal or bird lives in harmony with the nature and live their code!.
Except the human animal!. The only lesson to learn is to live like humans as we are designed and not to try to live like any other animal!. We want to swim like a fish , fly like a bird, store like an ant , kill like the hyeana, be cunning like the fox , !.!.!.!. but never be like humans!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be contented!. That's what we need to learn from animals!. Hungry we eat!. Tired we rest or sleep!. Not trying to create things for comfort like cars and so on!. This has an impacted on our future!. It destroy our planet!. Ozone layer destroyed infra ray trap on earth!. Earth get too hot!. Ice melt and we all die!. "Because we want comfort in everything"Www@QuestionHome@Com

How much we are like them, creatures of Creation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com