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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think the harder you strive for creativity, or any goal, the more fleetin

Question: Do you think the harder you strive for creativity, or any goal, the more fleeting it becomes!?
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Like a hand in water trying to "catch" a fallen leaf!.!.!.!.the harder we push at it the more it easily evades us!. And then when we would withdraw it follows our hand by the backcurrent we created!. The Bible says "LET" this mind be in you!.!.!.(Christ`s)!.!.!.not work at it, strive for it, MAKE it be, but a gentle rest in Providence!. We have a creator who is also a teacher!.!.!.and we should "rest" in this association!.!.!.pay attention!.!.!.listen, learn, assimilate thought and renew perspective!. Our being is patterned after God`s image and the desire to create is a part of that for we are his children!. But to "create" means to take nothing and make it something!. Otherwise it is mere transformation, that re-orders the status quo!. When I try to write poetry I fail!.!.!.when I am inspired I cannot stop!. We must by experience understand the components OF creativity!. Being formed of natural elements does not give life, but when the breath is breathed into it life IS created!.!.!.!.!.there is a difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It flows like water !. Some waters flow swift and others meanders !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I think the harder you strive for anything the more aware of it you become and therefore it seems overwhelming--until you achieve it--then, aahhhh!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I would agree with that, I'm a musician and I've noticed that my most creative ideas always come spontaneously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely! Anything created in hardship is fleeting once you repeat the same process!. Fleeting in the sense that the process to perfection becomes easy!. It gives you the art of perfection from the same piece until you created a masterpiece of your own!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Efforts are more than God, If you strive hard, you are bound to get the results you want!. The only thing is that, You have to wait!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

creativity is a tricky goal!.!.!.what i've found is that if you nuture it, work at it, pursue it consistently, you will become better at being creative (this most likely works for anything!.!.!.) but once you get a grasp on it, i've noticed that it tends to come in spurts!.!.!. for example, sometimes you feel like you just have "moments" and other times you feel like!.!.!.'i've got nothing!." XD/Www@QuestionHome@Com

striving, searching means you deny that the goal is already here!.!.!. it means, you postpone the goal, you believe it to be some day in the future, but the future will never come, it is juat a thought!. you can not jump from here to tomorrow, it is always now!. the harder you strive, means, the harder you postpone and deny!.
nothing wrong with taking action at the right time, maybe even moving mountains, but let it happen from a conscious present moment!. then action powerfully takes place in the now!. no need to run towards some goal!. invite all into the present moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I imagine that much of creativity is more or less spontaneous!. If I am correct, trying to force the process will probably have little success!.

Trying to achieve a goal, on the other hand, probably requires constant effort!.

The question begs, what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Good things come to those who wait!." yet the thought precedes the action, Just be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a passion of any goal ,that you create that makes become part of you!. I am a dancer,so I am the dance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really believe that creativity just comes like a bolt out of the
blue!. There's no way to strive for it, it truly waits for it's
moment, then strikes when you least expect it!.!.!.from your
dreams, watching a bird nesting, seeing two people relating
through the glass of a cafe window,etc!. Other goals are
more doable, with certain steps to follow to reach them!.
You want a house, you save money until you get it!. You
want to loose weight, there's a formula to reach your goal!.
Human relationships are a bit trickier because there's
so many elements of the human personality that are unknown,
even to the people involved!. The only way some goals
become fleeting is if, deep down, you really have decided
not to pursue them!. This may take a while for the conscious
mind to realize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes there are difficulties in the way of striving for your goal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I belive all art forms should flow freely!.!.!.they can't be chased down and hog tied!. It has to come to you freely without force!.!.!.much like love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the creativity comes in bursts (usually at the wrong time ) I have decided , instead of trying to stir up some creativty I`ll just let go when the next burst arrives!. As for goals well yes!. I tend to find goals a bit like mile stones, sights are set on the next mile stone and when it arrives!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.the cycle begins again and I`m off to the next one!. Sometimes I have to stop now and then `cos the road seems too long and sometimes I stop just to look back and see how far I have come!. I have made notes to mysef to just slow down `cos I`m going too fast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com