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Question: What is SELF EXPRESSION!?
What do you consider to be self expression!?

How do you express your individual self!?

It's a depressing thought knowing that even though "everybody is unique" most people aren't!. They follow trends--even if they don't like them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I come here to express myself on a variety of topics!. I'm an awful singer, but since my songs come from hearth, it's a valid form of self expression!. I flatter myself that I'm a talented playwright!. That's a form of self expression!. I paint, draw, do collage!. None of it may be good enough to earn a living at, but it is an honest attempt to put myself out there!. And, yes, it's true that there is an irony to trend following, especially trends that are supposedly methods of NOT conforming to norms, from beatniks through hippies, to Goth and now Emo!. All these people adopted a similar style in attempt to establish their individuality!. And yet!.!.!.look at our fingerprints!. To an untrained eye, they all look relatively the same, yet studied closely, they entirely unique!. Or look at our DNA!. You know that we share 99!.9% of our genetic code with all other humans alive today!. Imagine how much alike that makes us!. Yet each strand of DNA contains 3 billion base pairs of the four amino acids that make up dioxyribonueclaic acid!. That means that !.1% difference represents 3 million base pairs!. More than enough to make sure that everyone on earth's DNA is as distinct as their fingerprint!.

The only self expression I've always been too self conscious to attempt is dancing!. Maybe when I get my second hip replacement, that'll become a goal of mine!.

Don't be too hard on people who can't quite balance the need to express their individuality with the need to belong to a group!. They are both important drives, and seeking harmony between them is not easy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In eccentric ways !. I write, paint and commune with nature !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is simply your opinion, from your point of viewWww@QuestionHome@Com

self expression is expressing our personality and ourselves in a special way!. a very common way is through body art, painting, writing and even song writing!. the other thing though, is everyone follows trends, if everyone was truly unique, we would be like, aliens or something!. lol!.

i express myself through music and writingWww@QuestionHome@Com