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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are ANIMALS DUMBER than humans?

Question: Are ANIMALS DUMBER than humans!?
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They are not!. Do you know that before an earthquake or tsunami animals already knows it will happen!. And we dumb humans still have to depends on equipment to tell us!. This also after it happen!.
When I was in Indonesia before the tsunami hit!. I have 5 deers!. Two to three days before that happen they ran like mad dogs hitting their heads on the fences!. The dogs ran and ran and hid under the bed!.
Please don't ever say that animals are dumb!. Just that we have different ability!. One thing for sure they are not so dumb as to destroy the earth the place they live in!. But humans does it every minute!.
So who is dumber!? they me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

they're not dumber!. they just have small brains that aren't very logical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe they are smart in some ways, or maybe it's better they're "dumber", but then again humans can have compasion and love each other too, contrary to what think about animals being happy all the time and loving each other, out there it's survival of the fittest, then again humans don't eat others humans most of the time and I don't know about how many animals each their own kind, so in a way we're just like them, we eat other animals but we also eat each other, sometimes!. Cannibals!.
But we do have much more intelligence and can understand the world around us better to manipulate it, like atomic bombs, electricity, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No there actually smarter they just lack certain abilities that we take for granted!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Blessings YahooWww@QuestionHome@Com

can a sheep do algebra!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humans have used logic and reason to rise above and conquer all animals!. Yes, they are "dumber"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes they are!.

for example, two birds next to each other chirp loudly on a fence!. I take out my airguns and shoot one of them dead!. The other fails to even take notice that his buddy is down on the ground in a pool of blood and not moving at all!. The remaining bird will remain there oblivious until either I take the second shot at the second bird to if i leave it alone, take about 30 minutes to realize his buddy's been shot dead, by flying down and stupidly standing around wondering what's wrong!.

very stupid indeedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Animals are DIFFERENT than humans!.

It's like asking if a deep submersible submarine is better than a jet plane!. Different purposes don't make one thing any better than another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, they are not capable of learning as much as humans asWww@QuestionHome@Com

No animals aren't as smart as humans but thats because they don't need to be in order to survive!. Animals have other "smarts" like flying, surviving under water, eco-locating, poisoning, camouflaging, withstanding extreme heat or cold, brute strength, or running at incredible speeds etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In what sense!? Humans are animals too!. Personally I,d say no, as they don't have the self made problems we humans have but we are capable of being their masters;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Animals don't have babies and put them in dumpsters or leave them in a garbage pit!. People do!. Try and get close to a bear cub in the wild!. Mom will fight you till death to protect her babes!. People for the most part will not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They may well be but you'd be surprised how much more wiser a lot of the animal kingdom is than mankind!.
Very surprised indeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignoring the point that people are indeed animals!.!.!.People, by their own definitions, are indeed more intelligent!. We do (as far as we know) have greater intellectual capabilities than all other currently known species inhabiting the planet!. We have more complex brain functions because physically, we are inferior to our predators!. That leaves two (more apparent) evolutionary options, get stronger, or get smarter!.

We obviously chose the latter, and being tool users and a species of superior intelligence, we increased our knowledge to better understand our surroundings so we could manipulate it to our advantage!.

And, some animals do do horrible things to their own, and others young!. "Cruelty" is not something that is unique to humans!. How we commit such atrocities is, however, unique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are different degrees of intelligence in animals!. For example, mammals are more intelligent than reptiles!. Among mammals, the most intelligent animal are humans, and the dumbest may be a rat or some small animal!. Pets (like dogs) are more intelligent than, for example wolfs, because they have coexisted with humans for a long time, and some of our intelligence has rubbed up in them!. In fact, early dogs were not able to bark, but now they do, and it may be a sign of some type of communication!. Humans have lost some of their ability to domesticate animals though, but our understanding of how intelligent animals are is increasing!. It appears our respect for animal intelligence increases the more we study it!. Genetically, a human is not that different as a chimpance, for example!. The fact is that very little genetic code has made the world of a difference for humans, we were kind of lucky!. But the general base of intelligence can be found in a chimapance (they are capable to interpret sight signals, behave according to their surroundings, etc!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, they don't have "free will" like humans!. In which case i think they are smarter!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think so!. That is why few of them like dogs came close to humans and started trusting them—the untrustworthiest of all the species!.Www@QuestionHome@Com