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Position:Home>Philosophy> See the bright side of life?

Question: See the bright side of life!?
what do you understand by that!? how can you see the bright side of life!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a matter of perception!.
For example:

My Father died in a horrible accident when I was 12 years old when the lawn mower blew up (which was odd in it's own way since we had a service take care of the lawn), and on Friday the 13th of all days!.
I was angry and lost for years!. He made a great deal of money and I wanted for nothing!. I went to a private prep school!. Lived in a beautiful neighborhood in a beautiful brick Tudor house with more bathrooms than people living there!.
All that changed in an instant!. My Mother moved back to her hometown, a small, distressed, albeit beautiful place!.
Public school was a shock, and the kids were so different then those I knew in my hometown!. I fell in with the wrong crowd and didn't care about my studies!.
As the years went by I came to realize that I would not be the person I am today had my Father not been killed!. Don't get me wrong!.!.!. if there was a way to see him again I would give anything, but that is an impossibility!.
I used to be an arogant son of a ******, I felt entitled, and would probably have become even more so!.
Now that I have lived on both side of the tracks* I believe I am a wiser person for it!.
Once I realized that bad things happen and that the only way to overcome is to view what good may have come out of it, I was able to move on!.

Good can come out of bad, if one is willing to look for it!.

*old saying related to the rich side of town being separated from the poor side of town by the railroad tracks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that something good is gonna happenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Seeing the bright side of life, is just looking at the positives rather then the negatives!.!.!.Look at our world we have wars, punitive hates, ridiculous crime, it looks like chaos from one perspective, but at the same time we have allot of progress happening, new medical breakthroughs!.!.!.new artists being discovered, more philosophies thrown in the pile!.!.!.

There is both good and bad in life, when we get depressed, we tend to only see the bad things!.!.!.it is true the bad things are there, but we need to understand the balance of good and bad!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

realizing things never stay the same for everyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I understand that as more concise way of saying "ignore your problems in favor of more pleasant thoughts"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bright side of life is, when you think nothing else could go wrong, but you feel something good is about to happen!.!.!.

Here's just a few sayings to help you understand a bit better, well I hope so!.!.!.

There's always light at the end of the tunnel!.!.!.
Every cloud has a silver lining!.!.!.
Every dog has his / her day!.!.
Good things always comes to those who wait!.
Patience is a virtual!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Positive thinking!Www@QuestionHome@Com