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Position:Home>Philosophy> Eastern philosophy or Western philosophy?

Question: Eastern philosophy or Western philosophy!?
I love reading both!.!.
but eastern makes alot more sense!.
to me anyways!.
What about you!?
also what's the deal with this Time wave in I Ching!?
I always thought the book was for philosophy!.
Not predicting the future!.
Didn't the guy that came up with the "TIME WAVE ZERO"
Used losts of drugs!?
Something about a voice names LOGO!?
Sounds to me like LOCO!.
Anyways, I don't think Logo has anything to do with chinese mythology!.
If anyone knows about this maby you can help out with that too!.
Because to me, if this was true!.!. alot of chinese people and I Ching masters would be freaking out or agreeing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Eastern makes alot of sense in a way that they are closer to nature (with the exception of confucianism, how "confusing"! haha I made joke)!. Western makes sense with their reasoning and logic!. I don't take the I ching symbols seriously, people could generalize anything about life with ambiguous facts on nature!. I'm chinese, I don't believe in i ching masters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chech out Tientai!.Www@QuestionHome@Com