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Position:Home>Philosophy> Normalcy? What is it to you?

Question: Normalcy!? What is it to you!?
Is it a Rhythm!?
Is it a Rhyme!?
What do you consider normalcy!? Do you like having structure and normalcy in your life or would you rather have pressure and constant change!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
THAT is an excellent question!.

For me, it's just a lack of too many surprises!. Even good surprises if stacked too many together would constitute "not normal"!. Not to say it wouldn't be pleasant!.!.!.

But to say that the surprises are not very common and are not very jarring, really!. If I had a period of this, I would say that that given time in my life was pretty normal!.

And yes, I LIKE normal!. The human animal in fact thrives best under structure!. Now an individual may excel under pressure and with time constraint, but human society does best when there are not too many distractions from getting up in the morning, fetching water from the well, checking e-mail, working a solid day, having a bite, having sex, then going to bed!.

So yeah!. Rhythm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How can anybody expect to have pressure and constant change!. I am sure every one wants peace and rhythm in their lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's either:

--a statistical mean to which no individual conforms entirely!.

--a state of stability that permits regular functioning!.

Personally, I don't need pressure, and constant change is counterproductive and bad for your health!. As Stuart Brand wrote, "innovation means throwing away what works!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

A fake word invented by a President (Not Bush, Harding)!. The correct word is normality!.
Normality is just a concept!. What is normal changes slowly every day!. Like continental drift, too slow to be noticed, but so surely that the landscape no longer resembles what it used to after enough time has passed!.
Normalcy is thus transient, temporary, and ultimately an illusion!. We create it, we interrupt it, we change it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone wants normalcy but it's unachievable !.!.!. this the reality of the human condition!.

Pressure and change can be normal if you are born into such a situation like a fkd up village visited by death squads!.

There is no normalcy, as everyone is different and no-one knows who is the best!.
If you know who is best you are an ***!. aka nationalism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like normalcy!.Its not that i dont like 2 hav a change!.but normalcy is better than pressureWww@QuestionHome@Com

Normalcy!.!.!. the ability to function properly within the social barriers!.!.!. behavioral appropriateness!.!.!. manners!. Diplomacy!. Order and structure, but not rigid structure!. I believe in ebb and flow!.!.!. a little structure, a little pressure and change as you've called it!.!.!. I call it chaos, but I live in this realm, so chaos it is to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com